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Research Project: Novel Weed Management Solutions: Understanding Weed-Crop Interactions in Northern Climates

Location: Sunflower and Plant Biology Research

Title: Transcript profiles differentiate cold acclimation-induced processes in a summer and winter biotype of camelina

item WANG, HONGXIA - Orise Fellow
item Dogramaci, Munevver
item Anderson, James
item Horvath, David
item Chao, Wun

Submitted to: Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/2/2021
Publication Date: 11/25/2021
Citation: Wang, H., Dogramaci, M., Anderson, J.V., Horvath, D.P., Chao, W.S. 2021. Transcript profiles differentiate cold acclimation-induced processes in a summer and winter biotype of camelina. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter.

Interpretive Summary: Camelina (Camelina sativa) is valued as an oilseed cash crop or cover crop that produces well on nutrient-poor and dry soil. Understanding how genes are turned on and off (often referred to as gene expression) in camelina can provide insights into the physiological processes, growth, and development in this important plant species. Comparison of gene expression profiles from a summer (CO46) and a winter (Joelle) annual biotype of camelina prior to and after an 8-week cold treatment identified key signal pathways and genes responsible for floral induction, cold acclimation, and freezing tolerance in the winter biotype. This knowledge can be used by scientists to develop molecular markers, which would allow breeders to integrate freezing tolerance and flowering traits into elite camelina lines for crop improvement.

Technical Abstract: Camelina (Camelina sativa L. Crantz) is a short-season oilseed crop of the Brassicaceae family that consists of both summer and winter annual biotypes. Winter biotypes require non-freezing cold conditions for acquiring freezing tolerance (cold acclimation) and floral initiation (vernalization). Transcriptome profiles of a summer- (CO46) biotype with poor freezing tolerance after acclimation and a winter- (Joelle) biotype with excellent freezing tolerance after acclimation, were compared prior to and after an 8 week cold treatment to identify key molecular pathways and genes responsive to cold acclimation and vernalization, and potentially associated with freezing tolerance. Gene-set enrichment analyses identified AraCyc pathways involved in photosynthesis, and lipid and hormone biosynthesis that were different between the two biotypes. Sub-network enrichment analyses identified hubs of molecular networks such as circadian clock, flowering, and hormone and stress responsive genes that were likely involved with vernalization but may also overlap with cold-induced freezing tolerance. A micro RNA involved in floral initiation (MIR172A) was identified as a central hub for microRNA targets among up-regulated genes for Joelle post-acclimation. Combined results are generally consistent with many previously identified molecular pathways and genes acting together to control vernalization, cold acclimation, and freezing tolerance. Our research provides new insights into the regulation of cold acclimation and molecular genetic mechanisms underlying cold tolerance and floral induction for the winter biotype Joelle.