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Research Project: Enhancing Production and Ecosystem Services of Horticultural and Agricultural Systems in the Southeastern United States

Location: Soil Dynamics Research

Title: Mid-rotation fertilization and liming effects on nutrient dynamics of Pinus taeda L. in subtropical Brazil

item CONSALTER, RANGEL - Universidade Federal Do Parana
item BARBOSA, JULIERME - Uninga University Center
item Prior, Stephen
item VEZZANI, FABIANE - Universidade Federal Do Parana
item BASSACO, MARCOS - Fatifajar College
item PEDREIRA, GUILHERME - Universidade Federal Do Parana
item MOTTA, ANTONIO - Universidade Federal Do Parana

Submitted to: European Journal of Forest Research
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/13/2020
Publication Date: 7/23/2020
Citation: Consalter, R., Barbosa, J., Prior, S.A., Vezzani, F., Bassaco, M., Pedreira, G., Motta, A. 2020. Mid-rotation fertilization and liming effects on nutrient dynamics of Pinus taeda L. in subtropical Brazil. European Journal of Forest Research. 140:19-35.

Interpretive Summary: Similar to the southern US, Pinus taeda L. forests are established on very low fertility soils in southern Brazil. The influence of nutrient and lime additions were examined in a study with seven treatments: 1) complete (N, P, K, B, Zn, Cu, Mo, and lime as a Ca and Mg source); 2) NPK omission; 3) micronutrient omission; 4) K omission; 5) Zn omission; 6) lime omission; and 7) control. Treatments were started when stands were five and seven years old, followed by sampling at 7 years. Many nutrients were near or below levels considered low, which may limit P. taeda productivity in this region. Seven years after applications, residual effects detected in needle flushes suggested improved nutrition. Litter played a key role in nutrient cycling in upper litter horizons from deposited needles and more humified lower litter horizons retained nutrients. Nutrient application increased litter nutrient content and resulted in enriched roots indicating that litter can serve as nutrient source, and this acquisition route contributes to efficient use of applied nutrients in established P. taeda plantings when large amounts of litter cover the soil surface.

Technical Abstract: The effects of fertilizer and lime inputs on Pinus nutrition in Brazil has received little attention. After application of fertilizers and lime to P. taeda L., nutrient and Al dynamics in needles, roots, and litter were evaluated. Diagnosis was performed by omission of nutrients using seven treatments: Complete (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Zn, Cu and Mo), -NPK, -Micronutrients, -K, -Zn, -Lime, and Control. Fertilizer and lime were broadcasted when trees were five and seven years old, followed by sampling seven years later. With the exception of Cu and Fe, treatments increased most of the evaluated elements (P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, B, and Al) in the first and/or second needle flushes, while Mn decreased. Application of K decreased Ca and Mg in needles. Forest floor concentrations of amended elements (Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn and P), as well as S, were increased especially in the most decomposed horizon (Lh). Large accumulations of Ca, Mg, Cu and Zn were observed in the forest floor and roots; smaller increases in K, P, S, B and Mn were also observed in the forest floor. Degree of litter decomposition led to increased Fe and Al and decreased Mn. Fertilizer and lime application exerted large influences on Pinus nutrition (foliage and root) and forest floor quality and quantity.