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Title: Dairy foods and dairy fats: New perspectives on pathways implicated in cardiometabolic health

item HIRAHATAKE, KRISTIN - University Of California
item BRUNO, RICHARD - The Ohio State University
item BOLLING, BRADLEY - University Of Wisconsin
item BLESSO, CHRISTOPHER - University Of Connecticut
item ALEXANDER, LACY - Pennsylvania State University
item Ferruzzi, Mario

Submitted to: Advances in Nutrition
Publication Type: Review Article
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/29/2019
Publication Date: 9/25/2019
Citation: Hirahatake, K.M., Bruno, R.S., Bolling, B.W., Blesso, C., Alexander, L.M., Adams, S.H. 2019. Dairy foods and dairy fats: New perspectives on pathways implicated in cardiometabolic health. Advances in Nutrition.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Low-fat and nonfat dairy products have been promoted as part of a healthy dietary pattern by both United States dietary guidelines and professional organizations for several decades. The basis for this recommendation stems in part from the putative negative cardiometabolic effects associated with saturated fat consumption. However, as nutrition research has shifted from a single nutrient to whole food/dietary pattern approach, the role of dairy foods and dairy fat in the diet-disease relationship is being reexamined. Most observational and experimental evidence does not support a detrimental relationship between full-fat dairy intake and cardiometabolic health, including cardiovascular disease (CVD) or type 2 diabetes risk. Indeed, an expanded understanding of the dairy food matrix and the bioactive properties of dairy fats and other constituents suggests a neutral or potentially beneficial role in cardiometabolic health. To consider how consuming dairy foods, including full-fat dairy, is associated with cardiometabolic health, this review provides an innovative perspective on mechanisms that link dairy consumption to 3 main biological systems at the core of metabolic health: the gastrointestinal, hepatic, and vascular systems.