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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Gainesville, Florida » Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology » Mosquito and Fly Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #345563

Title: Vertical distribution of mosquito mortality following aerial application of naled in open and canopied environments

item Golden, Frances
item Gibson, Seth
item Aldridge, Robert
item Linthicum, Kenneth
item BREIDENBAUGH, MARK - Department Of Defense
item HAAGSMA, KARL - Department Of Defense
item REMMERS, JENNIFER - Department Of Defense
item CLARK, JAMES - Department Of Defense
item LAKE, JOANNA - Department Of Defense

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/8/2017
Publication Date: 2/28/2018
Citation: Golden, F.V., Britch, S.C., Aldridge, R.L., Linthicum, K., Breidenbaugh, M.S., Haagsma, K.A., Remmers, J.L., Clark, J.W., Lake, J.L. 2018. Vertical distribution of mosquito mortality following aerial application of naled in open and canopied environments. 84th Annual Meeting of the American Mosquito Control Association. pg.1.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Aerial applications of insecticides are often used as part of integrated vector management programs to suppress populations of adult mosquitoes. These sprays need to move through the tree canopy to reach mosquitoes where they are resting or flying. Additionally, it is presumed that these sprays are just as likely to kill mosquitoes flying in the air as those resting near the ground. We investigated the ability of an adulticide, Dibrom (naled), to penetrate the tree canopy and kill mosquitoes distributed throughout the air column when applied aerially. We deployed sentinel cages containing colony reared Culex quinquefasciatus along vertical transects up to 18 m, as well as along ground transects, in two separate locations. One location was in an open field with no tree coverage, and the second location was within a dense pine-dominated forest. After spray applications, sentinel cages were collected and mortality recorded at approximately 15 min post-spray to measure knockdown and 7 hr later to determine possible delayed effects of the pesticide. We compare relative efficacy of Dibrom in the open environment vs. the tree canopy, as well as discuss the vertical distribution of mortality.