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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Stoneville, Mississippi » Warmwater Aquaculture Research Unit » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #330708

Title: Draft genome sequences of four virulent aeromonas hydrophila strains from catfish aquaculture

item TEKEDAR, H - Mississippi State University
item KUMRU, S - Mississippi State University
item KARSI, A - Mississippi State University
item Waldbieser, Geoffrey
item Sonstegard, Tad
item Schroeder, Steven
item LILES, MR - Auburn University
item GRIFFIN, MJ - Mississippi State University
item LAWRENCE, ML - Mississippi State University

Submitted to: Genome Announcements
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/27/2016
Publication Date: 7/1/2016
Citation: Tekedar, H., Kumru, S., Karsi, A., Waldbieser, G.C., Sonstegard, T.S., Schroeder, S.G., Liles, M., Griffin, M., Lawrence, M. 2016. Draft genome sequences of four virulent aeromonas hydrophila strains from catfish aquaculture. Genome Announcements. 4:e00860-16.

Interpretive Summary: Since 2009 a clonal group of virulent A. hydrophila (VAh) isolates has caused significant losses to catfish production due to mortality. For comparative analysis, our research group released the complete genome sequence of a VAh strain from septicemic catfish (ML09-119, accession number NC_021290) and two other A. hydrophila strains from diseased fish (AL06-06, NZ_CP010947; and TN97-08, NZ_LNUR01000001) (2)(3). Here, we report four draft genomes of VAh strains isolated from farm-raised catfish in 2009 and 2010 (strains AL10-121, AL09-79, ML09-121, and ML09-122). These genomes will be used to compare against our previously sequenced A. hydrophila genomes and other Aeromonas genomes to clarify the variation within the VAh group, help reveal virulence mechanisms with the eventual goal of reducing catfish mortality due to Aeromonas infection.

Technical Abstract: Since 2009, a clonal group of virulent Aeromonas hydrophila (VAh) strains has been causing severe disease in the catfish aquaculture industry in the Southeastern United States. Here, we report draft genomes of four A. hydrophila isolates from catfish aquaculture that represent this clonal group.