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Title: The use of the diploid Arachis genomes to aid introgression of wild segments into peanut

item MORETZOHN, MARCIO - Embrapa
item OZIAS-AKINS, PEGGY - University Of Georgia
item CHU, YE - University Of Georgia
item HOLBROOK, CARL - Corley
item BALLEN, CAROLINA - Embrapa
item CHAVARRO, CAROLINA - University Of Georgia
item ABERNATHY, BRIAN - Embrapa
item PEARL, STEPHANIE - Embrapa
item GODOY, IGNACIO - Agronomical Institute Of Campinas (IAC)
item JACKSON, SCOTT - University Of Georgia
item BERTIOLI, DAVID - University Of Brasilia

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/1/2014
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary: not required

Technical Abstract: Diseases are important reducers of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) yield. Wild species generally harbor greater levels of resistance and even apparent immunity. Genomic regions confering resistance to foliar diseases and root knot nematodes have been identified in populations involving the wild progenitors of peanut, A. ipaensis and A duranensis crossed with species that harbor resistances to these pests: A. magna and A stenosperma. For introgression of these genomic regions, induced allotetraploids were produced: [A. gregoryi x A stenosperma]4x, [A. magna x A. stenosperma]4x and [A. batizocoi x A. stenosperma]4x and used to cross with elite varieties in Brazil and in the USA. Molecular markers residing in the vicinity of genomic regions controlling disease resistance were developed using the diploid peanut genome sequences to develop tightly linked, easy-to-use microsatellite and SNP markers for foreground selection. In addition to this, SNP markers were developed for monitoring introgression of wild species DNA into cultivated peanut on a genome scale by calling polymorphisms between the wild species and A. duranensis and A. ipaensis as proxies for the cultivated peanut component genomes. In this way, each genome component was dissected for marker development. These examples are among the first markers developed using the diploid peanut genomes.