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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Pullman, Washington » Grain Legume Genetics Physiology Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #123112


item Muehlbauer, Frederick

Submitted to: Crop Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/30/2001
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary: 'Evans' chickpea (Garbanzo) was developed and released based on its resistance to ascochyta blight, a devastating disease of chickpea crops. The new variety is also earlier to flower and mature which is a distinct advantage for regions of the U.S. with relatively short growing seasons. The variety therefore fits well in those situations. Seeds of Evans are medium to large and light cream colored. These quality traits are appealing to domestic canners of garbanzos a product used extensively in salad bars in the U.S. and should be readily accepted in international markets for large seeded chickpeas.

Technical Abstract: 'Evans'is a large seeded kabuli type chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) developed by the USDA-ARS in cooperation with the Washington Agricultural Research Center, Pullman, Washington; and the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station, Moscow, Idaho and released in 1997. Evans has good resistance to ascochyta blight [caused by Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labrousse; syn. Phoma rabiei (Pass.) Khune & J.N. Kapoor], a disease that has devastated chickpea crops in the U.S. Pacific Northwest from 1983 to 1992. Evans originated as an F7 selection from a cross FLIP 85-58/'Surutato-77') made in 1988. Surutato-77 is a unifoliate kabuli type cultivar developed and released in Mexico, and FLIP 85-58 is resistant to ascochyta blight. Evans has a unifoliate leaf structure, similar to Sanford and Dwelley, that differs from the fern leaf structure that is typical of UC-5, 'UC-27' and 'Spanish White'. Plants of Evans are branched at the base and have an indeterminate flowering habit. Pods are rhomboid- ellipsoid and have glandular trichomes, which give them a pubescent appearance. Pods of Evans have one and often two seeds. Seeds of Evans average 46.1 g/100 seeds, which compares to 42.4 grams for Sanford and 49.1 grams for Dwelley. Evans flowers and matures 2-3 days earlier than Surutato-77 and Tammany and 5-7 days earlier than Sanford and Dwelley. The early maturity and blight resistance of Evans were primary reasons for release. The medium-large light-cream-colored seeds of Evans are suited to the domestic canning industry and are readily accepted in international markets.