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item Hanna, Wayne
item Wilson, Jeffrey

Submitted to: International Crop Science Congress Proceedings
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/17/2000
Publication Date: 8/15/2000
Citation: Hanna, W.W. and Wilson, J.P. 2000. Using germplasm from the three gene pools in Pennisetum. Proc. 3rd Int. Crop Science Congress, 17-22 August 2000, Hamburg, Germany.

Interpretive Summary: not required

Technical Abstract: Germplasm in the wild gene pools of the cultivated species has potential for use in commercial cultivars. The objective of this study has been to identify useful germplasm in the cultivated species and initiate methods for transferring and using the germplasm. The primary gene pool has been a valuable source of genes for disease resistance and cytoplasmic diversity. Germplasm has been rapidly transferred and incorporated into commercial cultivars from the primary gene pool by rapid backcrossing that has been aided by techniques to break seed dormancy and shorten the plant life cycle. Germplasm transfer from the secondary gene pool has been aided by interspecific crosses, chromosome doubling and chromosome(genome) elimination. The secondary gene pool has been a good source of genes for stiff stalk, desirable head types, and male fertility restoration of cytoplasmic nuclear male sterility. That has been incorporated into cultivars. The tertiary gene pool has been more of a challenge. However, rust resistance and a cytoplasm have been transferred and progress has been made on transferring apomixis. However, no germplasm from this gene pool has been incorporated in a commercial cultivar.