Muehlbauer, Frederick |
Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Proceedings Publication Acceptance Date: 1/1/1997 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Winter crops in cold highland areas derive benefits from establishment of the crop in the fall or early winter when the fields would otherwise be vacant. This early establishment allows the crop to make efficient use of available moisture for growth and yield development. In this chapter, the practices for successful production of winter pea is highlighted and discussed. Items included are: Tillage practices that promotes snow cover and protection of the crop, fertility practices, seed quality and seed treatments, planting time, planting density, weed control, insect control, and disease control. The need for appropriate germplasm for successful winter pea crops in also discussed. Technical Abstract: The relative winter hardiness of pea compared to other winter crops is minimal at best and is in need of improvement. That improvement could come from evaluations of existing germplasm accessions and an emphasis on critical selection criteria such as prostrate growth habit and slow growth rates in the fall, rapid germination at low temperature, deeper and less branched root growth. More exacting evaluations in controlled environment are needed to identify the most hardy material in breeding populations. Control of disease, in the short term, would enhance the usefulness of winter pea in cold highland areas. Diseases most in need of attention are: Ascochyta blight, Sclerotinia white mold and Aphanomyces root rot. These diseases cause considerable damage especially when the crop is damaged by cold winter temperatures. A package of practices to enhance winter survival and yields would include: tillage to promote a rough soil surface to aid in snow capture; optimum seeding rates to provide strands that impart mutual protection; optimum planting time for establishment and development of hardiness; and disease, insect and weed control. The expanded use of winter peas is dependent on the development of germplasm for uses other than green manuring. This prospect will depend on a concerted effort toward identifying more hardy germplasm and techniques for stringent screening for hardiness and quality traits to ensure their acceptance. |