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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Corvallis, Oregon » Horticultural Crops Disease and Pest Management Research Unit » Research » Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Each ARS research project has related subjects of investigation.  Listed below are the subjects of investigation currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a subject of investigation will list the research projects within that  subject of investigation.

Subjects of Investigation
Bedding/garden plants
Berries and cane fruits, other
Cross-commodity research--multiple crops
Grapes, other
Herbaceous perennials and decorative greens
Ornamental trees and shrubs
Potted plants
Trees, forests, and forest products, general
Wine grapes
Research Projects within Ornamental trees and shrubs
item Advancing Novel Tactics and Triaging Fungicide Resistance for Botrytis cinerea and other Profit-limiting Pathogens
item Boxwood Blight Presence and Management in Oregon Nurseries
item Communication Development for the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative
item Crop Rotation and Development of Resistance for Control of Globodera pallida
item Detection and Management of Phytophthora species in Nurseries and Greenhouses
item Detection of Phytophthora Infections in West Coast Nurseries
item Development of Biologically-based Pest Control Strategies for Invasive Pests
item Disease Management in Small Fruit and Nursery Crops Based on Knowledge of Pathogen Diversity, Biology, and Environmental Effects
item Fungicide Resistance, Hormesis, and Fungal Pathogens in Controlled Environment Crops
item Identification of Biological Targets and Application to Existing and Invasive Pests
item Identification of the Physiological Mechanism of Pheromone Biosynthesis in Thrips and Development of Biological Control Methods
item Identifying Huckleberry Pollinators and the Impact of Soil Amendment Treatments
item Impedance Flow Cytometry to Characterize Pollen
item Improved Pathogen detection and the Management of Bulb and Nursery Diseases
item Improving Boxwood Blight Mitigation through Innovation, Economic Analysis and Education
item Improving IPM Programs for Blueberries and Raspberries in the PNW
item Improving Nursery Plant Health for Nurseries in the Pacific Northwest
item Improving Plant Health in Nursery Production Through Genomic Approaches
item Influence of Pathogen Genotypes and Environment on Boxwood Blight
item Knowledge Based Tools for Exotic and Emerging Diseases of Small Fruit and Nursery Crops
item Managing Phytophthora ramorum in the Pacific Northwest
item Minor Use Pesticide Testing on Floral and Nursery Crops
item Monitoring Botrytis Fungicide Resistance on Blueberries in Washington and Oregon
item National Clean Plant Network
item Optimizing Mineral Nutrition in Container-Grown Crops in Soilless Substrates
item Pest Management for Spotted Wing-Drosophila - Area Wise Pest Managament
item Phytophthora ramorum Genomics, Monitoring and Management
item Plant-Parasitic Nematodes of the Pacific Northwest Nursery Industry
item Professional Support for the 2024 Virtual Phytophthora Meeting, The Genus Phytophthora: Don't Change a Winning Concept
item Pulse Electricity: A Non-Chemical Approach for the Management of Nematodes, Pathogens, and Weeds in Nurseries
item Receptor Inference: A Novel IPM Technology for Managing Key Insect Pests of Vegetables in California (Corvallis)
item Spotted Wing-drosophila Area Wide and Emerging Pests Project
item Sustainable Management of Arthropod Pests in Horticultural Crops
item Sustainable Management of Arthropod Pests in Horticultural Crops
item Testing Sterile Males for Controlling Spotted-wing Drosophila
item Whole Genome Sequencing for Epidemiology, Population Structure, and Fungicide Resistance of Botrytis spp. in the Pacific Northwest