Location: Food and Feed Safety Research
Project Number: 6054-42000-027-007-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Aug 1, 2023
End Date: Jul 31, 2026
Provide support in computer programming for generating input features from relevant field and remote sensing data for modeling mycotoxin outbreaks in the USA.
This project involves modeling for prediction of pre-harvest of mycotoxin outbreak in corn growing states of the USA. Collection of multi-year historic mycotoxin data at the county level from corn growing states, weather data (daily precipitation and temperature), and other relevant data from geospatial analyses and satellites for use in modeling work.
Cooperators will continue acquiring, curating field and satellite spectral data to generate normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) differentiation modeling. The model should estimate the planting times based on a time sequence of NDVI data over the corn growing season. Cooperator will generate mathematical and ensemble models that use NDVI and remote sensing data to predict binary and numerical input features. Cooperator will write code in R or phyton to run the data acquisition, data wrangling and model analysis for planting times that will be used for prediction modeling.