Location: Watershed Physical Processes Research
Project Number: 6060-13000-029-018-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement
Start Date: Jul 31, 2021
End Date: Sep 30, 2024
1. Quantify the measurable effects of conservation practices at the watershed scale within Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed.
2. Enhance understanding of conservation effects on runoff and erosion within Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed.
3. Inform local watershed conservation strategies to local and national agencies.
Problems to be addressed include:
A) Understanding Chemical, Physical, and Biological Processes that Affect Implementation of Conservation Practices
B) Assess & Implement Conservation Practices in Agricultural Landscapes
C) Forecast the Impacts of Conservation Practices Within Changing Environments
1. Provide overall annual report on project progress at the Annual meeting of the ARS CEAP Watersheds (Croplands) research group, to be held in conjunction with a mutually approved venue.
2. Represent Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed CEAP research at state and regional meetings.
3. Collect climate and water sampling data, including processing, analyses, and compilation of data for assessment and modeling.
4. Compile land management practices.
5. Continue populating STEWARDS with Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed data.
6. Evaluate (relative) water and sediment runoff contributions from upland and channel sources.
7. Assess gully erosion using remote sensing and geospatial technologies.
8. Collect soil moisture and groundwater data in the watershed.
9. Develop an integrated assessment of watershed management practices on groundwater with the AnnAGNPS watershed model linked to the MODFLOW groundwater model.