Location: Poultry Research
Project Number: 6064-13000-014-006-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jul 31, 2019
End Date: Jul 30, 2024
1. Complete data analysis for live trial assessment of biochar on litter E. coli and AGP residues.
2. Evaluate litter management practices on E. coli populations in poultry litter.
To evaluate the impact of litter amendment on litter-associated E. coli populations, biochar and sodium bisulfate at varying concentrations was applied to poultry litter and litter-associated E. coli populations were evaluated. Data associated with these trials will be analyzed. A live bird trial will also be conducted to determine the impact of biochar on litter-associated E. coli populations and antibiotic growth promotor residues. Results from the previous trials will be applied to this study. Live subjects will be monitored for body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio will be calculated. Foot pad examination will be performed on six randomly selected birds per pen. The birds will be provided a four phase-feeding program to meet age-based nutrient requirements: Starter (0 to 15 d), Grower (16 to 31 d), Finisher (31 to 62 d), and Withdrawal (56 to 63 d). Diets will be corn-soybean meal based supplemented with vitamins and minerals, purified amino acids, and supplemented with poultry fat to meet dietary energy requirements. Litter-associated E. coli will be assessed via culture-based techniques and 50 g samples will be collected for antibiotic growth promotor residue determination.