Location: Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research
Project Number: 2050-21000-038-018-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jul 1, 2023
End Date: Jun 30, 2024
Discover, characterize, develop, and deploy effective resistance against yellow dwarf virus (CYDV and BYDV) to protect U.S. oat production by: 1) evaluation of elite cultivated oat germplasm; 2) evaluation of GWAS panels or biparental populations to advance research on resistance to this disease.
Test germplasm at Davis, CA using a set of materials, phenotyping protocols, and experimental designs that are also used in USDA-ARS Idaho. This will facilitate comparison of results across the region. Phenotyping will be done in single-row plots using procedures that are standard at each location. Susceptible spreader rows composed of susceptible varieties will be used to facilitate infection. Minimum data: YDV (BYDV/CYDV) severity at one assessment date, heading date, other diseases. Several categories of germplasm will be evaluated: (A) Elite Oat lines in replicated trials (UEPON, with entries from different States, and UCD Preliminary); advanced and segregating germplasm (ION) in rows. (B) Experimental populations that will enable identification and mapping of genes conferring resistance/tolerance to YDV (BYDV/CYDV). Initial screening will be of parent lines to bi-parental populations. Mapping populations will be selected based on the results.