Location: Cotton Quality and Innovation Research
Project Number: 6054-44000-080-017-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: May 15, 2023
End Date: Dec 31, 2023
The objective of this research is to determine the role of specific non-lint content types in variability of High Volume Instrument (HVI) measurements and perform qualitative analysis on non-lint content to determine the role of specific non-lint content types in altering HVI results.
In this project advanced statistical analysis will be used to create models to assess the impact of non-lint content on fiber quality measurements by High Volume Instrument, HVI. A detailed mathematical analysis of the HVI results for mechanically cleaned and non-lint content containing samples will be performed using data from samples of known varieties and non-lint content type and quantity will allow for model development. Analysis of the data will consider the role of dead leaves, cotton burr, fine trash, and seed coat fragments. Quantitative thresholds and qualitative considerations will be established to provide a basis to account for the impact of non-lint content in altering HVI measurements of cotton fiber quality. Data will cover not only known non-lint types (four) and quantities (five levels minimum) but will also cover three levels of intrinsic fiber quality, as determined by fiber length. Samples will be selected to provide three levels of micronaire within each of the three length categories. USDA cotton classing results will be used to identify the candidate samples which will be selected on the basis of the desired fiber qualities and low non-lint content as represented by the leaf grade. Data will be collected before mechanical process, after mechanical cleaning, and after the blending of known levels and types of non-lint content into the samples.