Location: Plant Science Research
Project Number: 5062-30100-001-003-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jul 1, 2023
End Date: Jun 30, 2025
Analyze data from the Hard Red Spring Wheat Uniform Regional Nursery to (1) evaluate agronomic traits over time and (2) determine the impact of location and environment on cultivar performance and adaptation.
Most of the data from the Hard Red Spring Wheat Uniform Regional Nursery (HRSWURN) has been digitized and organized into uniform spread sheets for data extractions and analysis; however, some manual curation and validation of the data will be required. The first steps in data analysis will be to summarize basic information from the experiments such as number of test locations over time, participating institutions, number of unique test entries, and frequency with which each breeding program contributed new test entries. Next, mean long term characteristics of the check varieties in each location and over time will be summarized. Then, yield and other traits will be analyzed relative to the check varieties by year and by location. Heritability and environmental stability for each trait will be evaluated. Allele frequency for specific traits can be evaluated over time. Finally, the performance of selected advanced breeding lines will be compared across trial locations to determine the impact of selection location on grain yield. Optimal and favorable selection zones will be identified for future trial locations.