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Research Project: Establishment and Evaluation of Diverse Pyrus Germplasm in Key Pear Growing Regions of Washington and Oregon State

Location: Physiology and Pathology of Tree Fruits Research

Project Number: 2094-21220-003-013-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2023
End Date: Dec 31, 2027

The objective is to establish and evaluate diverse pear (Pyrus) germplasm for key traits relating to climate resilience (flowering time, chill requirements) and rootstock performance (growth, dwarfing, graft compatibility) to tackle these crucial needs within the U.S. pear industry. This germplasm collection will be established in both Hood River, Oregon and Wenatchee, Washington as they represent two climatically distinct regions that correspond to the two most economically important growing regions for U.S. pear production. Objective 1. Establish a diverse germplasm collection in Hood River and Wenatchee, representing a genetically diverse range of Pyrus accessions. Objective 2. Evaluate diverse germplasm for micropropagation and rooting efficiencies. Objective 3. Evaluate diverse germplasm for growth phenotypes and maintain germplasm for future evaluation of flowering and acclimation phenotypes.

Objective 1. A diverse germplasm collection, which consists of 49 accessions and selected for a range of genetic diversity within the Pyrus genus, has been acquired in Wenatchee and is currently being maintained in tissue culture. Personnel from the cooperator's lab will micropropagate, root, and acclimate a subset of this collection, such that two sets of selected accessions can be planted at both Hood River and Wenatchee.