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Research Project: Science and Technologies for Improving Soil and Water Resources in Agricultural Watersheds

Location: Watershed Physical Processes Research

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)

Cropland erosion estimates simulated by RUSLE2 and WEPP: Results from two initial studies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)

How revegetation reinforces soil at early stage of restoration: A 6-year field study in southwest China Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhu, J., Wang, Y., Zheng, B., Langendoen, E.J., Wang, Y. 2024. How revegetation reinforces soil at early stage of restoration: A 6-year field study in southwest China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 187(2):274-286.

The impact of agricultural intensification on hydrologic disconnectivity in the Mississippi Delta area of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, USA - (Abstract Only)
Langendoen, E.J., Heintzman, L.J., Witthaus, L.M., Moore, M.T., Greenwood, K., Li, D., Fang, N. 2024. The impact of agricultural intensification on hydrologic disconnectivity in the Mississippi Delta area of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, USA. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Proceedings. pp. EGU24-20677. In EGU General Assembly Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, April 14-19, 2024.

Sediment transport and bed topography for realistic unsteady flow hydrographs of varying length in a laboratory flume Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wren, D.G., Kuhnle, R.A., Langendoen, E.J., Mcalpin, T.O. 2024. Sediment transport and bed topography for realistic unsteady flow hydrographs of varying length in a laboratory flume. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 150(4). Article 13769.

Major fluvial erosion and a 500-Mt sediment pulse triggered by lava-dam failure, Rio Coca, Ecuador Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Barrera Crespo, P., Espinoza Giron, P., Bedoya, R., Gibson, S., East, A., Langendoen, E.J., Boyd, P. 2024. Major fluvial erosion and a 500-Mt sediment pulse triggered by lava-dam failure, Rio Coca, Ecuador. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 49(3):1058-1080.

Developing an inventory of waterbodies and drainage systems to study groundwater-surface water interactions within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain of North America - (Abstract Only)
Langendoen, E.J., Heintzman, L.J., Witthaus, L.M., Greenwood, K., Li, D., Fang, N., Moore, M.T. 2023. Developing an inventory of waterbodies and drainage systems to study groundwater-surface water interactions within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain of North America. American Geophysical Union. In 2023 AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023.

Depositional patterns and sedimentation rates associated with longitudinal training walls (LTWs) in the Grand River, Michigan (USA) - (Abstract Only)
Konsoer, K., Siddique, S., Langendoen, E.J., Ursic, M.E., Wampler, P., Ferguson, J.A. 2023. Depositional patterns and sedimentation rates associated with longitudinal training walls (LTWs) in the Grand River, Michigan (USA). Geological Society of America Meeting. In GSA Connects 2023 Abstracts, Pittsburgh, PA, October 15-18, 2023.

Collapse of the San Rafael waterfall, Rio Coca, Ecuador and resulting catastrophic geohazard - (Abstract Only)
Langendoen, E.J., Ursic, M.E., Locke, M.A., Gibson, S., Espinoza-Giron, P., Barrera-Crespo, P. 2023. Collapse of the San Rafael waterfall, Rio Coca, Ecuador and resulting catastrophic geohazard. International Symposium on River Sedimentation. In Abstract Book of 15th ISRS Symposium, Florence, Italy, September 5-8, 2023.

Uncertainty for the ISSDOTv2 bed-load measurement method Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mcalpin, T.O., Wren, D.G., Jones, K.E., Abraham, D.D., Kuhnle, R.A., Willson, C.S. 2023. Uncertainty for the ISSDOTv2 bed-load measurement method. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 149 (9): 04023036.

Improved analysis procedures of soil erosion resistance measurement methods - (Abstract Only)
Langendoen, E.J., Ursic, M.E. 2023. Improved analysis procedures of soil erosion resistance measurement methods. In Abstract Book of 40th IAHR World Congress, Vienna, Austria, August 21-25, 2023.

CEAP special project: watershed legacy sediment assessment - (Abstract Only)
Langendoen, E.J., Bingner, R.L., Kuhnle, R.A., Locke, M.A., Wells, R.R., Wren, D.G., Duriancik, L. 2023. CEAP special project: watershed legacy sediment assessment. International Soil and Water Conservation Conference. Des Moines, IA. August 6-9, 2023.

Improving the reliability of soil erosion estimates - (Proceedings)
Langendoen, E.J., Ursic, M.E., Briaud, J., Aubuchon, J.S., Rivas, T.M. 2023. Improving the reliability of soil erosion estimates. Joint Federal Interagency Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling. 7 pp. In Proceedings of SEDHYD 2023, St. Louis, MO, May 8-12, 2023.

Advancements in predicting bank erosion processes with the Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) - (Proceedings)
Ursic, M.E., Langendoen, E.J. 2023. Advancements in predicting bank erosion processes with the Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM). Joint Federal Interagency Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling. 7 pp. In Proceedings of SEDHYD 2023. St. Louis, MO, May 8-12, 2023.

Erosion countermeasure design in complex flow field: A case study on the American River - (Proceedings)
Rivas, T., Keys, T., Liang, J., Carmona, Y., Aubuchon, J., Langendoen, E.J. 2023. Erosion countermeasure design in complex flow field: A case study on the American River. Joint Federal Interagency Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling. 14 pp. In Proceedings of SEDHYD 2023, St. Louis, MO, May 8-12, 2023.

A new approach for testing soil erodibility parameters in the excess shear stress equation - (Abstract Only)
Ursic, M.E., Langendoen, E.J., Wells, R.R., Smith, A. 2023. A new approach for testing soil erodibility parameters in the excess shear stress equation. In Abstract Book of HMEM 2023, Ft. Collins, CO, June 24-29, 2023.

Sediment transport and bed topography for unsteady hydrograph flows in a laboratory flume - (Abstract Only)
Wren, D.G., Kuhnle, R.A., Langendoen, E.J., Mcalpin, T. 2023. Sediment transport and bed topography for unsteady hydrograph flows in a laboratory flume. Meeting Proceedings. Proceedings.

Resolving river planform and width effects on flow in meandering rivers for optimal placing of ADCP cross sections - (Abstract Only)
Langendoen, E.J., Shoemaker, D., Ursic, M.E., Konsoer, K.M. 2023. Resolving river planform and width effects on flow in meandering rivers for optimal placing of ADCP cross sections. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Proceedings. pp. EGU-17154. Vienna, Austria, April 23-28, 2023.

ISSDOTv2 methodology, uncertainty, and applications for measuring bed-load transport - (Proceedings)
Mcalpin, T., Wren, D.G., Jones, K., Kuhnle, R.A., Abraham, D.D., Willson, C.S. 2023. ISSDOTv2 methodology, uncertainty, and applications for measuring bed-load transport. Joint Federal Interagency Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling. In proceedings.

Spatial optimization of conservation practices for sediment load reduction in ungauged agricultural watersheds Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elkadiri, R., Momm, H.G., Bingner, R.L., Moore, K. 2023. Spatial optimization of conservation practices for sediment load reduction in ungauged agricultural watersheds. Soil Systems. 7(1),4.

Long-term reach-scale suspended sediment budget of a small creek with cohesive banks - (Proceedings)