Location: Subtropical Plant Pathology Research
Project Number: 6034-22000-045-002-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 1, 2021
End Date: Aug 31, 2026
Determine the value of using commercially available satellite crop imagery for identification of neighboring crops and land-use patterns and how to incorporate this knowledge to improve scouting efforts for early detection of disease.
Cooperator will obtain satellite imagery, apply their proprietary algorithms to the imagery to identify crop type and stage, and provide us with results and data for downstream analysis and presentation.
Cooperator provides customized satellite imagery to which they apply their proprietary algorithms for crop identification, tracking of crop growth stages and detection of crop stress areas. The company has designed a platform capable of providing regular reports on crop growth stages and rate of crop growth/senescence, and can compare crop biomass across multiple crops, farms and regions. The cooperator, with our assistance, will attempt to develop this product for South Florida vegetable production. The final product will provide the additional information needed to improve predictions for managing whitefly and viral diseases of Forida vegetable production.
Cooperator will:
1) Host and maintain FluroSense Software.
2) Provide annotated satellite imagery of Florida crop land.
3) Provide mapped data in a format compatible for statistical analysis, and visualization on our server.