Location: Poultry Research
Project Number: 6064-13000-014-005-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jul 31, 2019
End Date: Jul 30, 2024
1. Characterize environmental conditions within poultry incubators that influence heat and mass transport patterns.
2. Construct fluid models of poultry incubators to characterize particulate matter transport among newly hatched chicks.
3. Application of fluid models to investigate APEC exposure risk in commercial hatcheries
Poultry incubators will be modeled in CAD/CAM software to provide the framework for fluid analysis. A commercial computational fluid dynamics package will be used develop fluid models to simulate air movement, temperature, and humidity conditions within the incubators both with and without eggs. These simulations will then be used to characterize particulate matter transport among newly hatched chicks to ascertain the exposure to APEC in the incubator during the hatch window.