Location: Sugarcane Research
Project Number: 6052-21000-017-005-N
Project Type: Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jun 1, 2020
End Date: May 31, 2023
a) Identify the mechanism of paraquat resistance in Italian ryegrass.
b) Determine if PS2-inhibiting herbicides labeled in sugarcane increase Italian ryegrass injury in resistant populations.
1) Laboratory/Greenhouse Study: Italian ryegrass seed will be harvested from several sugarcane fields in spring where known applications of paraquat were applied. Seed from each population will be germinated in the greenhouse and exposed to C14 paraquat at labeled use rates to determine if reduced herbicide efficacy is the result of reduced herbicide translocation, adsorption, or other unknown mechanisms.
2) PS2 Inhibiting Herbicides: Italian ryegrass populations not controlled with paraquat will be exposed to herbicide tank-mixtures to determine if adding a second herbicide site of action improves Italian ryegrass control.