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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Ames, Iowa » National Laboratory for Agriculture and The Environment » Soil, Water & Air Resources Research » Research » Research Project #431577

Research Project: Implementing Sustainable Landscape Designs for Midwestern Bioenergy Supply Systems

Location: Soil, Water & Air Resources Research

Project Number: 5030-12000-015-006-A
Project Type: Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 1, 2016
End Date: Feb 28, 2021

Facilitate implementation of a landscape design process for integrating cellulosic feedstock production into existing agricultural production systems within two feedstock supply sheds.

Large plot and field-scale cropping system studies will be implemented and harvested using equipment provided by or supplied by other cooperators (e.g. New Holland) to the cooperator. Technologies for enhanced single-pass differential corn stover harvest will be developed and eavaluated at various sites throughout Iowa and possibly in near-by states.