Hardegree, S.P., Richards, C.M., Sheley, R.L., Reeves, P.A., Jones, T.A., Walters, C.T., Schantz, M.C., Flerchinger, G.N. 2024. Virtual reciprocal garden assessment of germination syndromes for Elymus elymoides ssp. brevifolius and Elymus multisetus. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 96:1-11.
Hardegree, S.P., Boehm, A.R., Glenn, N., Sheley, R.L., Reeves, P.A., Pastick, N., Hojjati, A., Boyte, S., Enterkine, J., Moffet, C., Flerchinger, G.N. 2022. Elevation and aspect effects on soil microclimate and the germination timing of fall-planted seeds. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 85:15-27.
Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M. 2022. A pan-genome data structure induced by pooled sequencing facilitates variant mining in heterogeneous germplasm. Molecular Breeding. 42. Article e36.
Hardegree, S.P., Sheley, R.L., James, J., Reeves, P.A., Flerchinger, G.N., Moffet, C. 2022. Postplanting microclimate, germination, and emergence of perennial grasses in Wyoming big sagebrush steppe. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 84:63-74.
Volk, G.M., Byrne, P.F., Coyne, C.J., Flint Garcia, S.A., Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M. 2021. Integrating genomic and phenomic approaches to support plant genetic resources conservation and use. Plants. 10(11). Article e2260.
Boehm, A.R., Hardegree, S.P., Glenn, N., Reeves, P.A., Moffet, C., Flerchinger, G.N. 2021. Slope and aspect effects on seedbed microclimate and germination timing of fall-planted seeds. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 75:58-67.
Tembrock, L.R., Simmons, M.P., Richards, C.M., Reeves, P.A., Reilley, A.A., Curto, M.A., Meimberg, H., Ngugi, G., Demissew, S., Abdul Wali, A., Al-Thobhani, M., Simpson, S.A., Varisco, D.M. 2020. Clonal diversity, cultivar traits, geographic dispersal, and the ethnotaxonomy of cultivated Qat (Catha edulis, Celastraceae). Economic Botany. 74:273-297.
Reeves, P.A., Tetreault, H.M., Richards, C.M. 2020. Accessing functional genetic diversity in germplasm collections using bioinformatics. Agronomy. 10(4). Article e593.
Aparecida De Sousa, V., Reeves, P.A., Reilley, A.A., Virginia De Aguiar, A., Marcos Stephenon, V., Richards, C.M. 2020. Genetic diversity and biogeographic determinants of population structure in Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. Conservation Genetics. 21:217-229.
Hardegree, S.P., Sheley, R.L., James, J., Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M., Walters, C.T., Boyd, C.S., Moffet, C., Flerchinger, G.N. 2020. Germination syndromes and their relevance to rangeland seeding strategies in the intermountain western United States. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 73(2):334-341.
Trneny, O., Brus, J., Hradilova, I., Rathore, A., Das, R., Kopecky, P., Coyne, C.J., Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M., Smykal, P. 2018. Molecular evidence for two domestication events in the pea crop. Genes. 9(11).
Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M. 2018. Biases induced by using geography and environment to guide ex situ conservation. Conservation Genetics. 19:1281-1293.
Fleming, M.B., Patterson, E., Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M., Gaines, T., Walters, C.T. 2018. Exploring the fate of mRNA in aging seeds: protection, destruction, or slow decay? Journal of Experimental Botany. 69(18):4309-4321.
Hardegree, S.P., Roundy, B., Walters, C.T., Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M., Moffet, C., Sheley, R.L., Flerchinger, G.N. 2018. Hydrothermal germination models: assessment of the wet-thermal approximation of potential field response. Crop Science. 58(5):2042-2049.
Richards, C.M., Reeves, P.A. 2017. Capturing haplotypes in germplasm core collections. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. doi:10.1007/s10722-017-0549-6.
Tembrock, L., Simmons, M., Richards, C.M., Reeves, P.A., Reilley, A.A., Curto, M.A., Meimberg, H., Ngugi, G., Demissew, S., Wali Al Khulaidi, A., Mansoor, A., Simpson, S.A., Varisco, D. 2017. Phylogeography of the wild and cultivated stimulant plant qat (Catha edulis, Celastraceae) in areas of historic cultivation1. American Journal of Botany. 104: 538-549.
Thormann, I., Reeves, P.A., Thumm, S., Reilley, A.A., Engels, J.M., Biradar, C.M., Lohwasser, U., Börner, A., Pillen, K., Richards, C.M. 2017. Changes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare) genetic diversity and structure in Jordan over a period of 31 years. Plant Genetic Resources. doi:10.1017/S1479262117000028.
Reeves, P.A., Bowker, C.L., Fettig, C.E., Tembrock, L.R., Richards, C.M. 2016. Effect of error and missing data on population structure inference using microsatellite data. bioRxiv.
Thormann, I., Reeves, P.A., Reilley, A.A., Engels, J.M., Biradar, C.M., Lohwasser, U., Börner, A., Pillen, K., Richards, C.M. 2017. Genotypic and phenotypic changes in wild barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum) during a period of climate change in Jordan. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 64:1295-1312.
Thormann, I., Reeves, P.A., Reilley, A.A., Engels, J.M., Lohwasser, U., Boerner, A., Pillen, K., Richards, C.M. 2016. Geography of genetic differentiation in the barley wild relative Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum in Jordan. PLoS One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0160745.
Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M. 2014. Effect of a geographic barrier on adaptation in the dwarf sunflower (Helianthus pumilus Nutt.). International Journal of Plant Sciences. 175:688-701.
Richards, C.M., Reeves, P.A., Fenwick, A.L., Panella, L.W. 2014. Genetic structure and gene flow in Beta vulgaris subspecies maritima along the Atlantic coast of France. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 61(3):651-662. DOI 10.1007/s10722-013-0066-1.
Panella, L.W., Richards, C.M., Fenwick, A.L., Reeves, P.A. 2013. Genetic structure and immigation in French sea beet. Meeting Abstract. ASSBT Meetings, Anaheim, CA. 02/27/2013.
Reeves, P.A., Panella, L.W., Richards, C.M. 2012. Retention of agronomically important variation in germplasm core collections: implications for allele mining. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 124(6) 1155-1171. DOI: 10.1007/S00122-011-1776-4.
Hill, A.L., Reeves, P.A., Larson, R.L., Fenwick, A.L., Hanson, L.E., Panella, L.W. 2011. Genetic Variability Among Isolates of Fusarium oxysporum from Sugar Beet. Journal of Plant Pathology. 60(3): 496-505. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2010.02394.x.
Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M. 2011. Species delimitation under the general lineage concept: An empirical example using wild North American hops (cannabaceae: Humulus lupulus). Systematic Biology. 60:45-59.
Davidson, R.M., Reeves, P.A., Manosalva, P.M., Leach, J.E. 2009. Germins: A Diverse Protein Family Important For Crop Improvement. Plant Science. 177:499-510.
Volk, G.M., Richards, C.M., Henk, A.D., Reilley, A.A., Reeves, P.A., Forsline, P.L., Aldwinckle, H.S. 2009. Capturing The Diversity Of Wild Malus Orientalis From Georgia, Armenia, Russia And Turkey. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 134:453-459.
Larson, R.L., Mcclintock, M.E., Cramer, R.A., Hill, A.L., Fenwick, A.L., Reeves, P.A., Webb, K.M., Panella, L.W. 2009. Differential sugar beet gene expression during the defense response to challenge by Cercospora beticola. Meeting Abstract.
Larson, R., Mcclintock, M., Cramer, R., Hill, A.L., Fenwick, A.L., Reeves, P.A., Webb, K.M., Panella, L.W. 2009. Differential Sugar Beet gene expression during the defense response to challenge by Cercospora beticola. American Society of Sugarbeet Technologists. Vol. 46, No. 1 & 2, P 80 & 81.
Richards, C.M., Volk, G.M., Reeves, P.A. 2009. Population Structure and History in Developing Core Sets in Wild Germplasm. Plant and Animal Genome Conference Proceedings. Volume W008. January 10-14, 2009 San Diego California
Richards, C.M., Volk, G.M., Reeves, P.A., Reilley, A., Henk, A.D., Forsline, P.L., Aldwinckle, H. 2009. Selection of stratified core sets representing wild apple (Malus sieversii). Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 134:228-235.
Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M. 2009. Accurate inference of subtle population structure (and other genetic discontinuities) using principal coordinates. Plos one. 4(1) e4269.
Richards, C.M., Volk, G.M., and P.A. Reeves. 2009. Population Structure and history in developing core sets in wild germplasm. Plant & Animal Genome XVII Conference. Annual Conference. January 10-14, 2009. San Diego, CA. pp. W008. Meeting Abstract.
Richards C.M., G. Volk, A.A. Reilley, A.D. Henk, D. Lockwood, P.A. Reeves, and P.L. Forsline. 2009. Genetic diversity and population structure in Malus sieversii, a wild progenitor species of domesticated apple. Tree Genetics and Genomics 5:339-347.
Donnelly, L.M., M.M. Jenderek J.P. Prince, P.A. Reeves A. Brown and R.M. Hannan. 2008. Genetic diversity in the USDA Limnanthes germplasm collection assessed by simple sequence repeats. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 1:33-41.
Volk, G.M., Richards, C.M., Reilley, A., Henk, A.D., Reeves, P.A., Forsline, P.L., Aldwinckle, H. 2008. Genetic diversity and disease resistance of wild Malus orientalis from Turkey and southern Russia. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 133:383-389.
Volk, G.M., Richards, C.M., Henk, A.D., Reilley, A., Reeves, P.A., Forsline, P.L. 2007. Genetic diversity of wild Malus orientalis. Plant & Animal Genome XVI Conference. Annual Conference. January 12-16, 2008. San Diego, CA. pp. 137. Meeting Abstract.
Rai, H.S., Reeves, P.A., Peakal, R., Olmstead, R.G., Graham, S.W. 2008. Inference of higher-order conifer relationships from a multi-locus plastid data set. Botany 86:658-669.
Richards, C.M., Reeves, P.A., He, Y., Schmitz, R.J., Amasino, R.M., Panella, L.W. 2007. Evolutionary conservation of the FLC mediated vernalization response. Meeting Abstract for the Plant and Animal Genome XV conference. January 13-17, 2007, San Diego, California. pp. 129.
Fenwick, A., Larson, R.L., Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M., Panella, L.W. 2007. Virus induced gene silencing of a gene repressing flowering in sugar beet. American Society of Sugarbeet Technologists.
Reeves, P.A., Yuehui, H., Schmitz, R.J., Amasino, R.M., Panella, L.W., Richards, C.M. 2006. Evolutionary Conservation of the Flowering Locus C-Mediated Vernalization Response: Evidence From the Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris). Genetics 176: 295-307 (May 2007) DOI: 10.1534/genetics.106.069336.
Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M. 2007. Distinguishing terminal monophyletic groups from hybrid taxa: performance of cladistic and phenetic procedures. Systematic Biology 56:302-320.
Walters, C., A.A. Reilley, P.A. Reeves, J. Baszczak, and C.M. Richards. 2006. The utility of aged seeds in DNA banks. Seed Science Research 16:169-178.
Kay, K.M., P.A. Reeves, R.G. Olmstead and D.W. Schemske. 2005. Rapid speciation and the evolution of hummingbird pollination in neotropical Costus subgenus Costus (Costaceae): Evidence from NRDNA ITS and STA sequences. American Journal of Botany 92(11):1899-1910.
Reeves, P.A., Friedman, P.H., Richards, C.M. 2005. Wolfpac: Building a high-preformance distributed computing network for phylogenetic analysis using "obsolete" computational resources. Applied Bioinformatics 4:61-64.
Richards, C.M., Reeves, P.A., Fenwick, A.L., Panella, L.W. 2004. Genetic structure and patterns of selection in natural populations of beta vulgaris ssp. maritima.. Plant and Animal Genome XI Conference. San Diego, California. pp.136.
Reeves, P.A. and R. Olmstead. 2003. Evolution of the TCP gene family in Asteridae: cladistic and network approaches to understanding regulatory gene family diversification and its impact on morphological evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 20:1997-2009.
Rai, H.S., H.E. O'Brien, P.A. Reeves, R.G. Olmstead and S.W. Graham. 2003. Inference of higher-order relationships in the cycads from a large chloroplast data set. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 29:350-359.
Lab group: Dr. Christopher Richards
I use computational approaches to search for valuable genes in wild relatives of crop species. My study species have included little barley (Hordeum pusillum), wild North American hops (Humulus lupulus), wild relatives of the sugar beet in maritime Europe (Beta vulgaris), the dwarf sunflower (Helianthus pumilus), a relative of the domesticated sunflower from the western United States, and several wild apple species (Malus) from Eurasia. I also like simulated data.