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Stacey A Gunter (PhD)
Oklahoma and Central Plains Agricultural Research Center
Center Director

Phone: (580) 571-6426
Fax: (580) 571-6461

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Integrated Research to Enhance Forage and Food Production from Southern Great Plains Agroecosystems
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 445628
Livestock, Forage, and Pasture Management Research Unit, El Reno, Oklahoma, contribution to Enteric Methane Monitoring - Midwest Area
Interagency Reimbursable Agreement (I)
  Accession Number: 446299
Memorandum of Agreement by and Between US Dept of Agriculture and The General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service, Energy Division
Memorandum of Understanding (M)
  Accession Number: 440435
Monitoring Climatic Changes in Northwest Oklahoma
Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement (N)
  Accession Number: 445793
Investigating the Use of Beef Sires on Dairy Cows to Produce Higher Value Offspring for Beef Production
Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R)
  Accession Number: 445966
Quantifying the Effects of Growing System on the Carcass Yield from Beef Calves
Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R)
  Accession Number: 439478
Using Natural Sources of Tannins to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Cattle Grazing Winter Annual Pasture
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 444538

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Carbon dioxide fluxes over irrigated and rainfed alfalfa in the Southern Great Plains, USA Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wagle, P., Zhou, Y., Northup, B.K., Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A. 2024. Carbon dioxide fluxes over irrigated and rainfed alfalfa in the Southern Great Plains, USA. European Journal of Agronomy. 159. Article 127265.
Utilizing gas flux from automated head chamber systems to estimate dietary energy values for beef cattle fed a finishing diet Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Proctor, J.A., Smith, J.K., Long, N.S., Gunter, S.A., Gouvêa, V.N., Beck, M.R. 2024. Utilizing gas flux from automated head chamber systems to estimate dietary energy values for beef cattle fed a finishing diet. Journal of Animal Science. 102. Article skae167.
Recommendations on visit duration and sample number requirements for an automated head chamber system Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, M.R., Thompson, L.R., Reuter, R.R., Gunter, S.A. 2024. Recommendations on visit duration and sample number requirements for an automated head chamber system. Journal of Animal Science. 102. Article skae 158.
Influence of weather variability on vegetation dynamics and eddy fluxes in tallgrass prairie - (Abstract Only)
Wagle, P., Northup, B.K., Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A. 2024. Influence of weather variability on vegetation dynamics and eddy fluxes in tallgrass prairie [abstract]. 2024 Ecological Society of America Meeting.
Impact of variable weather on vegetation phenology and Eddy fluxes in tallgrass prairie Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wagle, P., Northup, B.K., Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A. 2024. Impact of variable weather on vegetation phenology and Eddy fluxes in tallgrass prairie. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 94:215-225.
Modeling vegetation phenology of tallgrass prairie using machine learning algorithms - (Abstract Only)
Wagle, P., Gopichand, D., Jentner, W., Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A., Xiangming, X. 2024. Modeling vegetation phenology of tallgrass prairie using machine learning algorithms [abstract]. Nepalese Agriculture Professionals of Americas Biennial International Scientific Conference. 2024:5.
Use of the GreenFeed bait system to assist in measuring fecal output and digesta kinetics Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Friend, E., Beck, M.R., Moffet, C. 2024. Use of the GreenFeed bait system to assist in measuring fecal output and digesta kinetics. Journal of Animal Science. 102(1):76-77.
Environmental sustainability of livestock systems in the southeastern U.S.: Opportunities and research gaps Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Beck, M.R., Gunter, S.A., Friend, E., Moffet, C. 2024. Environmental sustainability of livestock systems in the southeastern U.S.: Opportunities and research gaps [abstract]. American Society of Animal Science Southern Section Meeting. 102(Issue Supplement 1):40.
Using respiratory gas flux and backward dietary energy partitioning to estimate energy intake by beef cattle fed a high concentrate diet Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Friend, E., Womack, A.M., Gunter, S.A., Beck, P. 2024. Using respiratory gas flux and backward dietary energy partitioning to estimate energy intake by beef cattle fed a high concentrate diet. American Society of Animal Science Southern Section Meeting. 102(1)76.
Influence of water use efficiency parameterizations on flux variance similarity-based-partitioning of evapotranspiration - (Other)
Wagle, P., Raghav, P., Kumar, M., Gunter, S.A. 2023. Influence of water use efficiency parameterizations on flux variance similarity-based-partitioning of evapotranspiration. Ph D Dissertation. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama. 242 p.
A comparison of FVS, MREA, and CEC methods to partition evapotranspiration in tallgrass prairies - (Abstract Only)
Wagle, P., Raghav, P., Kumar, M., Scanlon, T., Northup, B.K., Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A., Xiao, X. 2023. A comparison of FVS, MREA, and CEC methods to partition evapotranspiration in tallgrass prairies [abstract]. American Geophysical Union. 2023:H13D-06.
Assessing different sampling regimes for estimating dietary characteristics using internal markers Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, M.R., Proctor, J.A., Smith, J.K., Gouvêa, V.N., Kasuske, Z.A., Foote, A.P., Gunter, S.A., Beck, P.A. 2023. Assessing different sampling regimes for estimating dietary characteristics using internal markers. Applied Animal Science. 39(6):411-422.
Partitioning of evapotranspiration in C3-C4 mixed tallgrass prairies using FVS, MREA, and CEC methods - (Abstract Only)
Gas flux by calves from dams identified as either high or low methane emitters Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Friend, E., Gunter, S.A., Moffet, C. 2023. Gas flux by calves from dams identified as either high or low methane emitters. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting. 101(3):539-540.
Is it feasible to improve stand persistence of eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.) through breeding? Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Boerman, N.A., Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A. 2023. Is it feasible to improve stand persistence of eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.) through breeding? Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 6(1).
Influence of water use efficiency parameterizations on flux variance similarity-based partitioning of evapotranspiration Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wagle, P., Raghav, P., Kumar, M., Gunter, S.A. 2022. Influence of water use efficiency parameterizations on flux variance similarity-based partitioning of evapotranspiration. Water Resources Research. 328. Article 109254.
Utilizing gas flux from an automated head chamber system to estimate dietary energy values in cattle fed a finishing diet Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Proctor, J.A., Smith, J.K., Gunter, S.A., Beck, M.R. 2023. Utilizing gas flux from an automated head chamber system to estimate dietary energy values in cattle fed a finishing diet [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. 101(Supplement 1):74-75.
Comparing two software programs for fitting nonlinear, one- and two-compartment age-dependent digestion models: empirical data Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Gadberry, S., Coffey, K., Moffet, C. 2022. Comparing two software programs for fitting nonlinear, one- and two-compartment age-dependent digestion models: empirical data. Animal Production Science. 62(16)1630-1638.
Fecal dry-matter output determination from irregular marker doses Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A. 2022. Fecal dry-matter output determination from irregular marker doses. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting. 100(3):332.
Effects of forage quality on the enteric methane emission, forage intake, and energy metabolism by beef heifers Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Friend, E., Gunter, S.A., Moffet, C., Beck, P. 2022. Effects of forage quality on the enteric methane emission, forage intake, and energy metabolism by beef heifers (abstract). Journal of Animal Science. 100(3):86.
Effects of hay maturity on the enteric methane emission, intake, and energy metabolism by beef heifers - (Abstract Only)
Technical note: using an automated head chamber system to administer an external marker to estimate fecal output by grazing beef cattle Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, M.R., Gunter, S.A., Moffet, C., Reuter, R. 2021. Technical note: using an automated head chamber system to administer an external marker to estimate fecal output by grazing beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science. Article skab241.
Have new feeding technologies revolutionized the way we design grazing experiments? Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Beck, P., Adams, J., Beck, M., Lalman, D., Rueter, R., Gunter, S.A. 2021. Have new feeding technologies revolutionized the way we design grazing experiments?[abstract]. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting. 99(3):100.
Current state of enteric methane and the carbon footprint of beef and dairy cattle in the United States Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dillion, J., Stackhouse-Lawson, K., Thoma, G., Gunter, S.A., Rotz, C.A., Kebreab, E., Riley, D.G., Tedeschi, L., Villalba, J., Mitloehner, F., Hristov, A., Archibeque, S., Ritten, J.P., Mueller, N. 2021. Current state of enteric methane and the carbon footprint of beef and dairy cattle in the United States. Animal Frontiers. 11(4):57-68.
The “GreenFeed” automated methane measurement system to determine enteric methane emissions from ruminants - (Book / Chapter)
Jonker, A., Antwi, C., Biswas, A. A., Gunter, S. A., Hristov, A. H., Martin, C., Minnée, E. M. K., Renand, G., Waghorn, G.. 2020. The ‘greenfeed’ automated methane measurement system to determine enteric methane emissions from ruminants. In: Arjan, A., Waghorn, G.C., editors. Guideline for Estimating Methane Emissions From Individual Ruminants Using: Greenfeed, ‘Sniffers’, Hand-Held Laser Detector and Portable Accumulation Chambers. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry for Primary Industries. p. 11-26.
Effects of steam flaking on the carbon-footprint of finishing beef cattle Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cole, N., Parker, D.B., Brown, M.S., Jennings, J.S., Hales, K.E., Gunter, S.A. 2020. Effects of steam flaking on the carbon-footprint of finishing beef cattle. Translational Animal Science. 4(1):S84-S89.
Stocking rate impacts performance and economics of grazing beef steers on mixed grass prairies of the Southern Great Plains Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, P., Beck, M., Gunter, S.A., Beermacher, J., Gillen, R., Mccollum, F. 2020. Stocking rate impacts performance and economics of grazing beef steers on mixed grass prairies of the Southern Great Plains. Translational Animal Science. 4(3).
Comparing two software programs for fitting nonlinear, one- and two-compartment age-dependent digestion models: a Monte Carlo analysis Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A. 2020. Comparing two software programs for fitting nonlinear, one- and two-compartment age-dependent digestion models: a Monte Carlo analysis. Livestock Science.
Current progress in the Agricultural Research Service Beef Grand Challenge: A large-scale genetics by environment by management evaluation project Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Kuehn, L.A., Casperson, S.L., Derner, J.D., Gunter, S.A., Hay, E., Moffet, C., Neel, J.P., Picklo, M.J., Petersen, M.K., Roemmich, J.N., Turner, K.E., Waterman, R.C., Wheeler, T.L., Boggess, M.V. 2020. Current progress in the Agricultural Research Service Beef Grand Challenge: A large-scale genetics by environment by management evaluation project [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. 98(Supplement 4):13-14.
Effects of stocking and supplementation rates on the performance of beef steers grazing mixed-grass prairie during the winter Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A. 2019. Effects of stocking and supplementation rates on the performance of steers grazing mixed-grass prairie during the winter. Applied Animal Science. 35:641-651.
External marker administration through an automated head-chamber system provides analogous estimates of fecal output compared to traditional hand feeding - (Abstract Only)
An energy and monensin supplement reduces methane emission intensity of stocker cattle grazing winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thompson, L.R., Beck, M.A., Gunter, S.A., Williams, G.D., Place, S.E., Reuter, R.R. 2019. An energy and monensin supplement reduces methane emission intensity of stocker cattle grazing winter wheat. Applied Animal Science. 35:433-440.
Efficacy of mineral supplementation to growing cattle grazing winter-wheat pasture in northwestern Oklahoma Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Combs, G.F. 2019. Efficacy of mineral supplementation to growing cattle grazing winter-wheat pasture in northwestern Oklahoma. Translational Animal Science.
Interaction between stocking and supplementation rates on the performance of steers grazing mixed-grass prairie during the winter Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A. 2019. Interaction between stocking and supplementation rates on the performance of steers grazing mixed-grass prairie during the winter [Abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. 97(Suppl.3):90.
Comparison of two software methods of fitting one- and two-compartment age-dependent digesta kinetics models Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A. 2019. Comparison of two software methods of fitting one- and two-compartment age-dependent digesta kinetics models. Journal of Animal Science. 97(E Supplement 1):65-66.
Effect of energy and lasalocid supplementation on stocker cattle performance grazing winter-wheat pasture Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Pickett, A., Gunter, S.A. 2019. Effect of energy and lasalocid supplementation on stocker cattle performance grazing winter-wheat pasture. Journal of Animal Science. 97(Supplement 1):56-60.
Thoughts on the energetic efficiency of grazing cattle Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Moffet, C. 2019. Thoughts on the energetic efficiency of grazing cattle. Journal of Animal Science. 97(E Supplement 1):69.
Whole cottonseed supplementation improves performance and reduces methane emission intensity of grazing beef steers Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, M., Thompson, L., White, J., Williams, G., Place, S., Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A., Reuter, R. 2018. Whole cottonseed supplementation improves performance and reduces methane emission intensity of grazing beef steers. Professional Animal Scientist. 34:339-345.
Using carbon emissions, oxygen consumption, and energy retention estimates to calculate dietary energy partitioning and estimate ME intake by beef steers - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Burrus, C., Moffet, C., Gregorini, P. 2018. Using carbon emissions, oxygen consumption, and energy retention estimates to calculate dietary energy partitioning and estimate ME intake by beef steers. Conference Proceedings of International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. 9:405.
Effects of marker concentration errors on digesta kinetic parameters Reprint Icon - (Proceedings)
Dhakal, K., Moffet, C., Gunter, S.A. 2018. Effects of marker concentration errors on digesta kinetic parameters. Translation Animal Science. 2(Suppl. 1):S121-S124. doi:10.1093/tas/txy030.
Forage use in stocker programs as part of a sustainable beef production system - (Abstract Only)
Using carbon emissions and oxygen consumption to estimate energetics parameters of cattle consuming forages - (Abstract Only)
Using carbon emissions, oxygen consumption, and retained energy to calculate dietary ME intake by beef steers - (Abstract Only)
Burrus, C., Gunter, S.A., Sanson, D., Moffet, C., Gregorini, P. 2018. Using carbon emissions, oxygen consumption, and retained energy to calculate dietary ME intake by beef steers [abstract]. Journal of Animal Scinece 96(E-Suppl. 2):76.
Measuring the respiratory gas exchange by grazing cattle using an automated, open-circuit gas quantification system Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Beck, M. 2018. Measuring the respiratory gas exchange by grazing cattle using an automated, open-circuit gas quantification system. Translational Animal Science. 2:11-18.
Elevated CO2 induces substantial and persistent declines in forage quality irrespective of warming in mixed grass prairie Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Augustine, D.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Springer, T.L., Lecain, D.R., Gunter, S.A., Derner, J.D. 2018. Elevated CO2 induces substantial and persistent declines in forage quality irrespective of warming in mixed grass prairie. Ecological Applications. 28(3):721-735.
Predicting forage intake by grazing beef cattle - (Trade Journal)
Gunter, S.A. 2017. Predicting forage intake by grazing beef cattle. Feedstuffs. 89(12).
Elevated CO2 induces substantial and persistent declines in forage digestibility and protein content irrespective of warming in mixed-grass prairie - (Abstract Only)
Augustine, D.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Springer, T.L., Lecain, D.R., Gunter, S.A., Derner, J.D. 2018. Elevated CO2 induces substantial and persistent declines in forage digestibility and protein content irrespective of warming in mixed-grass prairie. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts. abs.
Measuring the respiratory gas exchange of grazing cattle using the GreenFeed emissions monitoring system - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Duke, S.E., Beck, M.R. 2017. 793 Measuring the respiratory gas exchange of grazing cattle using the GreenFeed emissions monitoring system. J.Anim.Sci. 95(E-Suppl.2):359. (Abstr.)
Technical Note: Effect of bait delivery interval in an automated head-chamber system on respiration gas estimates when cattle are grazing rangeland Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Bradford, J.A. 2017. Technical Note: Effect of bait delivery interval in an automated head-chamber system on respiration gas estimates when cattle are grazing rangeland. Professional Animal Scientist. 33(4):490-497.
Predicting forage intake by grazing beef cattle - (Proceedings)
Gunter, S.A. 2017. Predicting forage intake by grazing beef cattle. Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium, 28th Annual Meeting University of Florida, Institute of Food Agriculture Science, Gainsville, FL. Pages 125-136
Effects of a blended garlic and cinnamon essential oil extract with and without monensin sodium on the performance of grazing steers - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, P.A., Gadberry, M., Stewart, C., Gray, H.C., Wistuba, T.J., Cravey, M.D., Gunter, S.A. 2017. Effects of a blended garlic and cinnamon essential oil extract with and without monensin sodium on the performance of grazing steers. Professional Animal Scientist. 33:176-185.
Effects of mass air flow rate through an open-circuit gas quantification system when measuring carbon emissions Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Bradford, J.A., Moffet, C. 2017. Effects of mass air flow rate through an open-circuit gas quantification system when measuring carbon emissions. Journal of Animal Science. 95:475-484. doi:10.2527/jas2016.0933.
Whole cottonseed supplementation improves performance and reduces carbon footprint of grazing cattle - (Abstract Only)
Optimizing eastern gamagrass forage harvests using growing degree days Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Springer, T.L., Gunter, S.A., Goldman, J.J., Moffet, C. 2016. Optimizing eastern gamagrass forage harvests using growing degree days. Agricultural Sciences. 7:710-715.
Overview of forage nutritive quality and availability in relations to cattle needs during the fall transition period in the Southeastern US - (Abstract Only)
Invited review: Matching forage systems with cow size and environment for sustainable cow-calf production in the southern region of the United States Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, P.A., Gadberry, S., Gunter, S.A., Kegley, E.B., Jennings, J.A. 2017. Invited review: Matching forage systems with cow size and environment for sustainable cow-calf production in the southern region of the United States. Professional Animal Scientist. 33(3):289-296.
Effect of bait delivery rate in a GreenFeed system on methane emission estimates from cattle grazing rangeland - (Abstract Only)
Predicting forage intake in extensive grazing systems Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Galyean, M.L., Gunter, S.A. 2016. Predicting forage intake in extensive grazing systems. Journal of Animal Science. 94(6):26-43.
INVITED REVIEW: Getting more information from your grazing research beyond cattle performance 1,2 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Cole, N.A. 2016. INVITED REVIEW: Getting more information from your grazing research beyond cattle performance 1,2. Professional Animal Scientist. 32(1): 31-41.
Matching forage systems with cow size and environment for sustainable cow-calf production in the southern region - (Abstract Only)
Beck, P., Gadberry, S., Gunter, S.A., Jennings, J. 2016. Matching forage systems with cow size and environment for sustainable cow-calf production in the southern region. Journal of Animal Science Supplement. 94(Suppl. 1):63. (Abstr.).
The USDA-ARS experimental watershed network-Evolution, lessons learned and moving forward - (Proceedings)
Goodrich, D.C., Heilman, P., Moran, M.S., Garbrecht, J.D., Marks, D.G., Bosch, D.D., Sadler, E.J., Romkens, M.J., Harmel, R.D., Kleinman, P.J., Gunter, S.A., Walbridge, M.R. 2015. The USDA-ARS experimental watershed network-Evolution, lessons learned and moving forward. Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds. Proc. Fifth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds. March 2-5, 2015, North Charleston, South Carolina. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-211. USDA Forest Service, 302.
Vulnerability of crops and native grasses to summer drying in the U.S. Southern Great Plains Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yaseef, R., Billesbach, D., Fischer, M.L., Biraud, S.C., Gunter, S.A., Bradford, J.A., Torn, M.S. 2015. Vulnerability of crops and native grasses to summer drying in the U.S. Southern Great Plains. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 213:209-218.
Influence of sampling time on methane emission estimates by grazing cattle - (Proceedings)
Influence of sampling time on carbon dioxide and methane emissions by grazing cattle - (Proceedings)
Gunter, S.A., Bradford, J.A. 2015. Influence of sampling time on carbon dioxide and methane emissions by grazing cattle. American Society of Animal Science Proceedings. 66:201-203.
Forage choice in pasturelands: influence on cattle foraging behavior and production Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Villalba, J.J., Cabassu, R., Gunter, S.A. 2015. Forage choice in pasturelands: influence on cattle foraging behavior and production. Journal of Animal Science. 93:1729-1740.
Getting more information from your grazing research beyond cattle performance - (Abstract Only)
Managing the herbage utilisation and intake by cattle grazing rangelands Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Oltjen, J., Gunter, S.A. 2015. Managing the herbage utilisation and intake by cattle grazing rangelands. Animal Production Science. 55:397-410.
Assessment of the effect of castration upon arrival on long-term growth performance of stocker cattle - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ratcliff, M.D., Kegley, E.B., Powell, J.G., Hawley, J., Lusby, K.S., Rowe, M.P., Gunter, S.A., Daniels, L.B., Hubbell, D.S. 2014. Assessment of the effect of castration upon arrival on long-term growth performance of stocker cattle. Professional Animal Scientist. 30:466-475.
Effect of method and timing of castration on newly arrived stocker cattle - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ratcliff, M.D., Kegley, E.B., Powell, J.G., Hawley, J., Lusby, K.S., Rowe, M.P., Gunter, S.A., Daniels, L.B., Hubbell, D.S. 2014. Effect of method and timing of castration on newly arrived stocker cattle. Professional Animal Scientist. 30:457-465.
Predicting the forage intake by lactating cows - (Proceedings)
Gunter, S.A. 2014. Predicting the forage intake by lactating cows. Western Section of American Society of Animal Science Proceedings. 65:158-161.
Using tall fescue in a complementary grazing program for spring calving beef cows in southern Arkansas Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, P., Stewart, C.B., Gray, H.C., Gadberry, M.S., Gunter, S.A., Young, C., Hopkins, A.A. 2014. Using tall fescue in a complementary grazing program for spring calving beef cows in southern Arkansas. Professional Animal Scientist. 30:423-431.
Functional response of U.S. grasslands to the early 21st century drought - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Moran, M.S., Ponce Campos, G., Huete, A., Mcclaran, M., Zhang, Y., Hamerlynck, E.P., Augustine, D.J., Gunter, S.A., Kitchen, S.G., Peters, D.C., Starks, P.J., Hernandez, M. 2014. Functional response of U.S. grasslands to the early 21st century drought. Ecology. 95:2121-2133.
Beef Species Symposium: Difficulties associated with predicting forage intake by grazing beef cows Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Coleman, S.W., Gunter, S.A., Sprinkle, J.E., Neel, J.P. 2014. Beef Species Symposium: Difficulties associated with predicting forage intake by grazing beef cows. Journal of Animal Science. 92:2775-2784.
Effect of processing method on in sacco ruminal degradability of organic matter and nitrogen from canola seeds and in vitro intestinal nitrogen digestion of the in sacco residue Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Springer, T.L., Loest, C.A., Goldman, J.J. 2014. Effect of processing method on in sacco ruminal degradability of organic matter and nitrogen from canola seeds and in vitro intestinal nitrogen digestion of the in sacco residue. Animal Production Science. 54:1030-1038.
Cinnagar supplementation of cattle grazing wheat or native pasture in northwest Oklahoma Reprint Icon - (Proceedings)
Gunter, S.A., Combs, G.F. 2013. Cinnagar supplementation of cattle grazing wheat or native pasture in northwest Oklahoma. Western Section,American Society of Animal Science Proceedings. 64:326-329.
Drought and grazing effects on Oklahoma phlox (Polemoniaceae, Phlox oklahomensis) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Springer, T.L., Gunter, S.A., Tyrl, R.J., Nighswonger, P.F. 2013. Drought and grazing effects on Oklahoma phlox (Polemoniaceae, Phlox oklahomensis). American Journal of Plant Sciences. 4:9-13.
Difficulties associated with predicting forage intake by grazing beef cows - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Faulkner, D.B., Meyer, A.M., Scholljegerdes, E.J., Sprinkle, J.E., Soto-Navarro, S.A., Coleman, S.W. 2013. Difficulties associated with predicting forage intake by grazing beef cows. Journal Animal Science. 91(E-Supplementation 2):440. (Abstract)
Effects of supplementary selenium source on the blood parameters in beef cows and their nursing calves Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Beck, P.A., Hallford, D.M. 2013. Effects of supplementary selenium source on the blood parameters in beef cows and their nursing calves. Biological Trace Element Research. 152(2):204-211.
Response of Cross-biome Productivity to the Early 21st Century Drought - (Abstract Only)
Ponce Campos, G., Moran, M.S., Huete, A., Zhang, Y., Bresloff, C., Huxman, T., Bosch, D.D., Buda, A.R., Gunter, S.A., Kitchen, S., Mcnab, W., Mcclaran, M., Morgan, J.A., Peters, D.C., Sadler, E.J., Seyfried, M.S., Starks, P.J., Montoya, A.D., Heartsill Scalley, T., Eamus, D. 2012. Response of Cross-biome Productivity to the Early 21st Century Drought. [abstract]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 3 - 7,2012.
Improving the production, environmental, and economic efficiency of the stocker cattle industry in the Southeastern United States - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, P., Anders, M., Watkins, B., Gunter, S.A., Hubbell, D., Gadberry, M.S. 2013. Improving the production, environmental, and economic efficiency of the stocker cattle industry in the Southeastern United States. Journal of Animal Science. 91(6):2456-2466.
Extreme precipitation patterns reduced terrestrial ecosystem production across biomass Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, Y., Moran, M.S., Nearing, M.A., Ponce Campos, G., Huete, A., Buda, A.R., Bosch, D.D., Gunter, S.A., Kitchen, S., Mcnab, W., Morgan, J.A., Mcclaran, M., Sutherland Montoya, D., Peters, D.C., Starks, P.J. 2013. Extreme precipitation patterns reduced terrestrial ecosystem production across biomass. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. 118:148–157.
Sand sagebrush rangeland utilization by cattle producers - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A. 2013. Sand sagebrush rangeland utilization by cattle producers. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, Feb. 2-8. Abstract #61.
Ecosystem resilience despite large-scale altered hydro climatic conditions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ponce Campos, G., Moran, M.S., Huete, A., Zhang, Y., Bresloff, C., Huxman, T., Eamus, D., Bosch, D.D., Buda, A.R., Gunter, S.A., Scalley, T., Kitchen, S., McClaran, M., McNab, W., Montoya, D., Morgan, J.A., Peters, D.C., Sadler, E.J., Seyfried, M.S., Starks, P.J. 2013. Ecosystem resilience despite large-scale altered hydro climatic conditions. Nature. 494:349-352.
Cool-season annual pastures with clovers to supplement wintering beef cows nursing calves - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Whitworth, W., Mongomery, G., Beck, P. 2012. Cool-season annual pastures with clovers to supplement wintering beef cows nursing calves. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 3:25.
Effect of corn- and soybean hull-based creep feed and backgrounding diets on lifelong performance and carcass traits of calves from pasture and rangeland conditions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gadberry, M.S., Beck, P.A., Gunter, S.A., Barham, B.L., Whitworth, W.A., Apple, J.K. 2012. Effect of corn- and soybean hull-based creep feed and backgrounding diets on lifelong performance and carcass traits of calves from pasture and rangeland conditions. The Professional Animal Scientist. 28:507-518.
Chemical control of sand sagebrush: implications for lesser prairie-chicken habitat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thacker, E.T., Gillen, R., Gunter, S.A., Springer, T.L. 2012. Chemical control of sand sagebrush: implications for lesser prairie-chicken habitat. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 65(5):516-522.
Chemical control of sand sagebrush: implications for lesser prairie chicken habitat. - (Abstract Only)
Thacker, E.T., Gillen, R., Gunter, S.A., Springer, T.L. 2011. Chemical control of sand sagebrush: implications for lesser prairie chicken habitat (abstract). In: Proceedings 26th Meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, October 3-6, Hays, KS.
Runoff and sediment responses to grazing native and introduced species on highly erodible Southern Great Plains soil. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wine, M., Zou, C., Bradford, J.A., Gunter, S.A. 2012. Runoff and sediment responses to grazing native and introduced species on highly erodible Southern Great Plains soil. Journal of Hydrology. 450-451:336-341.
Growing beef cattle: The future of stocker/backgrounding systems in beef production - (Abstract Only)
Beck, P., Anders, M., Gunter, S.A., Hubbell, D., Gadberry, S., Watkins, B. 2012. Growing beef cattle: The future of stocker/backgrounding systems in beef production. Journal of Animal Science. Volume 90, Supplement 3, #598.
Forage nutritive value of Texas bluegrass harvested in the morning and afternoon in northwest Oklahoma. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goldman, J.J., Gunter, S.A. 2012. Forage nutritive value of Texas bluegrass harvested in the morning and afternoon in northwest Oklahoma. Japanese Society of Grassland Science. 58:147-152.
Ruminant Nutrition Symposium: Modulation of metabolism through nutrition and management - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A. 2012. Ruminant Nutrition Symposium: Modulation of metabolism through nutrition and management. Journal of Animal Science. 90:1833-1834.
Drought and rangelands. - (Trade Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Springer, T.L. 2012. Drought and rangelands. Oklahoma Cowman 51(2):34-35.
Historical drought effects on rangelands in northwest Oklahoma - (Proceedings)
Gunter, S.A., Hogan, R. 2011. Historical drought effects on rangelands in northwest Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Drought Grazing Management Serminar, November 14-15, 2011, Beaver, Boise City and Goodwell, OK. p. 10-20.
Effects of sand sagebrush control in southern mixed-grass prairie rangeland on cattle performance and economic return - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Thacker, E.T., Gillen, R.L., Springer, T.L., Jones, R. 2012. Effects of sand sagebrush control in southern mixed-grass prairie rangeland on cattle performance and economic return. Professional Animal Scientist. 28:204-212.
Effects of stocking and supplementation rates on cattle performance and return when grazing mixed-grass prairie in Northwest Oklahoma - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Hogan, R. 2012. Effects of stocking and supplementation rates on cattle performance and return when grazing mixed-grass prairie in Northwest Oklahoma [abstract]. p. 128. 65th Annual Society for Range Management Meeting. Spokane, Washington.
Effect of herbage depletion on short-term foraging dynamics and diet quality of steers grazing wheat pastures - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gregorini, P., Gunter, S.A., Bowman, M.T., Caldwell, J.D., Masino, C.A., Coblentz, W.K., Beck, P.A. 2011. Effect of herbage depletion on short-term foraging dynamics and diet quality of steers grazing wheat pastures. Journal of Animal Science. 89:3824-3830.
Case Study: Effects of interseeding date of cool-season annual grasses and pre-plant glyphosate application onto a warm-season sod on forage production, forage quality, performance of stocker cattle, and net-return - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, P.A., Stewart, C.B., Phillips, J.M., Gunter, S.A., Watkins, K.B. 2011. Case Study: Effects of interseeding date of cool-season annual grasses and preplant glyphosate application onto a warm-season grass sod on forage production, forage nutritive value, performance of stocker cattle, and net return. Professional Animal Scientist. 27:375-384.
Effect of Patch-Burning Mixed-Grass Prairie Communities on Cattle Performance - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Springer, T.L., Thacker, E.T., Gillen, R.L. 2012. Effect of Patch-Burning Mixed-Grass Prairie Communities on Cattle Performance. Journal Animal Science. 89(E-Supplement 1):312-313. (Absract)
Convergence of Dynamic Vegetation Net Productivity Responses to Precipitation Variability from 10 Years of MODIS EVI - (Proceedings)
Ponce, G., Moran, M.S., Huete, A., Bresloff, C., Huxman, T., Bosch, D.D., Bradford, J., Buda, A.R., Gunter, S.A., Mcnab, H., Mcclaran, M., Peters, D.C., Sadler, E.J., Seyfried, M.S., Starks, P.J., Sutherland Montoya, D., Heartsill, T. 2011. Convergence of Dynamic Vegetation Net Productivity Responses to Precipitation Variability from 10 Years of MODIS EVI. ISRSE 2011, 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, 10-15 April 2011.
Herbicide Control of Sand Sagebrush: Impacts on Lesser Prairie Chicken Habitat. - (Abstract Only)
Thacker, E.T., Gillen, R.L., Gunter, S.A., Springer, T.L. 2011. Herbicide Control of Sand Sagebrush: Impacts on Lesser Prairie Chicken Habitat [abstract]. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, February 6-11, 2011, Billings, MT. 2011 CDROM.
MODIS EVI as a Surrogate for Net Primary Production across Precipitation Regimes - (Abstract Only)
Ponce, G., Bresloff, C., Huete, S., Moran, M.S., Huxman, T., Bosch, D.D., Bradford, J., Buda, A.R., Gunter, S.A., Mcnab, H., Mcclaran, M., Peters, D.C., Sadler, E.J., Seyfried, M.S., Starks, P.J., Sutherland Montoya, D. 2010. MODIS EVI as a Surrogate for Net Primary Production across Precipitation Regimes. Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems Symposium. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ., October 2, 2010.
Effects of prescribed fire and herbicide application on cattle grazing and herbage production from yellow bluestem pastures - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Gillen, R.L. 2010. Effects of prescribed fire and herbicide application on cattle grazing and herbage production from yellow bluestem pastures. Professional Animal Scientist. 26:638-646.
Coprological evaluation of pour-on and injectable formulation of moxidectin in beef cattle - (Abstract Only)
Powell, J.G., Gunter, S.A., Tucker, C.A., Reynolds, J.L., Johnson, Z.B. Coprological evaluation of pour-on and injectable formulation of moxidectin in beef cattle. American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists Proceedings. Atlanta, GA. 85:77-78.
Effects of sand sagebrush control on stocker cattle performance on a Southern mixed prairie community. - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Springer, T.L., Thacker, E.T., Gillen, R. 2010. Effects of sand sagebrush control on stocker cattle performance on a Southern mixed prairie community. Proceedings of the 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference, July 9-10, 2010, Estes Park, Colorado. p. 208.
Effect of mineral supplementation on the performance by stocker cattle grazing winter wheat pasture - (Proceedings)
Gunter, S.A., Combs, G.F. 2010. Effect of mineral supplementation on the performance by stocker cattle grazing winter wheat pasture. Western Section of Animal Science Proceedings. 61:134-137.
Effect of mineral supplementation on the performance by stocker cattle grazing winter-wheat pasture - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Combs, G.F. 2010. Effect of mineral supplementation on the performance by stocker cattle grazing winter-wheat pasture [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. 88(E-Suppl.2):194-195.
Simulation of sandsage-bluestem forage growth under varying stocking rates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Adiku, S.K., Dunn, G.H., Ahuja, L.R., Gunter, S.A., Bradford, J.A., Garcia, L., Andales, A.A. 2010. Simulation of sandsage-bluestem forage growth under varying stocking rates. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 63(5):546-552.
Soil aggregates and their associated carbon and nitrogen content in winter annual pastures using different tillage management options - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Anders, M.M., Beck, P.A., Watkins, B.K., Gunter, S.A., Lusby, K.S., Hubbell, D.S. 2010. Soil aggregates and their associated carbon and nitrogen content in winter annual pastures using different tillage management options. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 74:1339-1347.
MODIS EVI as a proxy for net primary production across precipitation regimes - (Abstract Only)
Bresloff, C., Moran, M.S., Huete, A., Huxman, T., Bosch, D.D., Bradford, J.B., Buda, A.R., Gunter, S.A., Mcnab, H., Mcclaran, M., Peters, D.C., Sadler, E.J., Seyfried, M.S., Sutherland Montoya, D. 2009. MODIS EVI as a proxy for net primary production across precipitation regimes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 14 to 18, 2009, San Francisco, California. B31B-0346.
Effects of land use change from grassland and wheat to switchgrass in the Southern Great Plains - (Abstract Only)
Billesbach, D.P., Torn, M.S., Bradford, J.A., Gunter, S.A., Fisher, M.L., Zou, C. Effects of land use change from grassland and wheat to switchgrass in the Southern Great Plains. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA 14-18 December 2009. (Abstract)
Carbon and Water cycling in Southern Great Plains ecosystems converted to switchgrass production - (Abstract Only)
Billesbach, D.P., Torn, M.S., Bradford, J.A., Gunter, S.A., Fischer, M.L., Zou, C. 2009. Carbon and Water cycling in Southern Great Plains ecosystems converted to switchgrass production. Ameriflux Annual Principle Investigators Workshop. Washington, DC. September 21-23, 2009. (Abstract)
Effect of wheat forage maturity and preservation method on forage chemical composition and performance of growing calves fed mixed diets - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, P.A., Stewart, C.B., Gray, H.C., Smith, J.L., Gunter, S.A. 2009. Effect of wheat forage maturity and preservation method on forage chemical composition and performance of growing calves fed mixed diets. Journal of Animal Science. 87:4133-4142.
Annual grass as supplements for beef cows - (Proceedings)
Gunter, S.A. 2009. Annual grass as supplements for beef cows. Proceedings K-State Beef Conference, August 13, 2009, Manhattan, KS. 12 p.
Short-term foraging dynamics of cattle grazing swards with different canopy structures - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gregorini, P., Gunter, S.A., Beck, P.A., Caldwell, J., Bowman, M.T., Coblentz, W.K. 2009. Short-term foraging dynamics of cattle grazing swards with different canopy structures. Journal of Animal Science. 87:3817-3824.
Evaluation of tall fescues for stocker cattle in the Gulf Coastal Plain - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, P.A., Stewart, C.B., Gunter, S.A., Singh, D. 2009. Evaluation of tall fescues for stocker cattle in the Gulf Coastal Plain. Professional Animal Scientist. 25:569-579.
The effects of a modified glucomannan on the performance of stocker cattle grazing endophyte infected tall fescue - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gunter, S.A., Beck, P.A., Kreider, D.L., Gregorini, P., Stewart, C.B. 2009. The effects of a modified glucomannan on the performance of stocker cattle grazing endophyte infected tall fescue. Professional Animal Scientist. 25:300-306.
Effects of N fertilization and supplementation strategies on forage intake, dietary selection, and performance of growing beef cattle. - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Springer, T.L., Bradford, J.A. 2009. Effects of N fertilization and supplementation strategies on forage intake, dietary selection, and performance of growing beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 87 (E-Supplement 2):320. (Abstract)
Effect of wheat forage maturity and preservation on the performance of and digestion kinetics in growing beef calves fed 40% roughage diets - (Abstract Only)
Beck, P., Stewart, B., Gunter, S.A. Effect of wheat forage maturity and preservation on the performance of and digestion kinetics in growing beef calves fed 40% roughage diets. Journal Animal Science. 87(E-Suppl. 3):17. (Abstract)
The effect of high-starch diets fed to beef cows during late gestation on the feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of offspring - (Abstract Only)
Gunter, S.A., Jaeger, J.R., Beck, P.A. 2009. The effect of high-starch diets fed to beef cows during late gestation on the feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of offspring. Journal Animal Science. 87(E-Suppl. 3):29. (Abstract)
Using glycerin as a supplement for forage-fed ruminants. - (Abstract Only)
Hess, B.W., Lake, S.L., Gunter, S.A. Using glycerin as a supplement for forage-fed ruminants. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl.2):392. (Abstract)
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