Jiping Liu
Plant, Soil and Nutrition Research
Research Plant Physiologist
Phone: (607) 255-2133
Fax: (607) 255-1132
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will take you to the publication reprint.)
Tonoplast-localized OsTIP2;1 is involved in aluminum detoxification in rice
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, W., Yang, S., Feng, Y., Liang, B., Li, C., Li, Q., Zheng, Z., Ji, X., Wang, Y., Liu, J. 2024. Tonoplast-localized OsTIP2;1 is involved in aluminum detoxification in rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. Volume 215, 109063. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2024.109063.
The selenium-promoted daidzein production contributes to its induced nodulation in soybean plants
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Silva, V., Lui, A., Carvalho, M., Namorato, F., Fei, Z., Reis, A., Liu, J., Vatamaniuk, O., Li, L. 2023. The selenium-promoted daidzein production contributes to its induced nodulation in soybean plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany. Vol. 218, 105591. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105591.
Glutathione is involved in selenium detoxification and suppresses the selenate-induced SULTR1:1 gene expression in plants
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cardoso, A., Namaorato, F., Guilherme, L., Silva, M., Liu, J., Li, L. 2023. Glutathione is involved in selenium detoxification and suppresses the selenate-induced SULTR1:1 gene expression in plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4427870.
Co-chaperoning of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis by orange family proteins in plant
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sun, T., Wang, P., Lu, S., Yuan, H., Yang, Y., Fish, T., Thannhauser, T.W., Liu, J., Mazourek, M., Grimm, B., Li, L. 2023. Co-chaperoning of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis by orange family proteins in plant. Molecular Plant. 16:1048-1065. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2023.05.006.
Iron counteracts zinc-induced toxicity in soybeans
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Oliveira, N., Namorato, F., Rao, S., Cardoso, A., Renendeluiz, P., Guiherme, L., Liu, J., Li, L. 2023. Iron counteracts zinc-induced toxicity in soybeans. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 194:335-344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2022.11.024.
Sulfate availability and soil selenate adsorption alleviate selenium toxicity in rice plants
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cardoso, A., Gomes, F., Antonio, J., Guilherme, L., Liu, J., Li, L., Silva, M. 2022. Sulfate availability and soil selenate adsorption alleviate selenium toxicity in rice plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 201: Article e104971. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2022.104971.
Phytoene synthase: The key rate-limiting enzyme of carotenoid biosynthesis in plants
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cardoso, A., Gomes, F., Antonio, J., Guilherme, L., Liu, J., Li, L., Silva, M. 2022. Phytoene synthase: The key rate-limiting enzyme of carotenoid biosynthesis in plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 201:e104971. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2022.104971.
Orchestration of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis by orange family proteins in plant
- (Pre-print Publication)
Sun, T., Wang, P., Lu, S., Yuan, H., Yang, Y., Fish, T., Thannhauser, T.W., Liu, J., Mazourek, M., Grimm, B., Li, L. 2022. Orchestration of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis by orange family proteins in plant. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.02.08.479616.
Protein–protein interaction techniques to investigate post-translational regulation of carotenogenesis
- (Book / Chapter)
Sun, T., Zhou, X., Rao, S., Liu, J., Li, L. 2022. Protein–protein interaction techniques to investigate post-translational regulation of carotenogenesis. In: Wurtzel, E., editor. Methods in Enzymology. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, Inc. 167:301-325. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.mie.2022.02.001.
Biochemical basis of differential selenium tolerance in arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Santiago, F., Silva, M., Cardoso, A., Duan, Y., Guilherme, L., Liu, J., Li, L. 2020. Biochemical basis of differential selenium tolerance in arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 157:328-338. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.11.001.
An exclusion mechanism is epistatic to an internal detoxification mechanism in aluminum resistance in Arabidopsis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, Y., Yu, W., Yu, C., Cai, Y., Lyi, S.M., Tang, X., Dong, D., Kang, Y., Liu, J. 2020. An exclusion mechanism is epistatic to an internal detoxification mechanism in aluminum resistance in Arabidopsis. Biomed Central (BMC) Plant Biology. 20:122. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-020-02338-y.
AhFRDL1-mediated citrate secretion contributes to adaptation to iron deficiency and aluminum stress in peanuts
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Qui, W., Wang, N., Dai, J., Wang, T., Kochian, L.V., Liu, J., Zuo, Y. 2019. AhFRDL1-mediated citrate secretion contributes to adaptation to iron deficiency and aluminum stress in peanuts. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70(10):2873-2886. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erz089.
A unique aluminum resistance mechanism conferred by aluminum and salicylic-acid-activated root efflux of benzoxazinoids in maize
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhao, Z., Gao, X., Ke, Y., Chang, M., Xie, L., Li, X., Gu, M., Tang, X., Liu, J. 2019. A unique aluminum resistance mechanism conferred by aluminum and salicylic-acid-activated root efflux of benzoxazinoids in maize. Plant and Soil. 437:273-289. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-019-03971-9.
Adaption of roots to nitrogen deficiency revealed by 3D quantification and proteomic analysis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Qin, L., Walk, T., Han, P., Liyu, C., Sheng, Z., Li, Y., Hu, X., Xie, L., Yang, Y., Liu, J., Lu, X., Yu, C., Tian, J., Shaff, J., Kochian, L.V., Liao, X., Liao, H. 2018. Adaption of roots to nitrogen deficiency revealed by 3D quantification and proteomic analysis. Plant Physiology. 179:329-347. https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.18.00716.
Aluminum-activated root malate and citrate exudation is independent of NIP1;2-facilitated root-cell-wall aluminum removal in Arabidopsis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, Y., Cai, Y., Cao, Y., Liu, J. 2018. Aluminum-activated root malate and citrate exudation is independent of NIP1;2-facilitated root-cell-wall aluminum removal in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling and Behavior. 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/15592324.2017.1422469.
Identification and characterization of suppressor mutants of stop1
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jiang, F., Wang, T., Wang, Y., Kochian, L., Chen, F., Liu, J. 2017. Identification and characterization of suppressor mutants of stop1. Biomed Central (BMC) Plant Biology. 17:128. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-017-1079-2.
Loss-of-function mutation of the calcium sensor CBL1 increases aluminum sensitivity in Arabidopsis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ligaba, A., Fei, Z., Liu, J., Xu, Y., Jia, X., Shaff, J., Lee, S., Luan, S., Kudla, J., Kochian, L.V., Pineros, M. 2017. Loss-of-function mutation of the calcium sensor CBL1 increases aluminum sensitivity in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. 214(2):830-841. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.14420.
Quantitative iTRAQ proteomics revealed possible roles for antioxidant proteins in sorghum aluminum tolerance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhou, D., Yang, Y., Zhang, J., Jiang, F., Jia, X., Craft, E.J., Thannhauser, T.W., Kochian, L.V., Liu, J. 2017. Quantitative iTRAQ proteomics revealed possible roles for antioxidant proteins in sorghum aluminum tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:2043. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.02043.
Advances and considerations in technologies for growing, imaging, and analyzing 3-D root system architecture
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pineros, M., Larson, B., Shaff, J., Schneider, D.J., Falcao, A., Lixing, Y., Clark, R.T., Craft, E.J., Davis, T.W., Pradier, P., Liu, J., Assaranurak, I., Susan, M., Sturrock, C., Bennett, M., Kochian, L.V. 2016. Advances and considerations in technologies for growing, imaging, and analyzing 3-D root system architecture. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 58(3):230-241.
Plant adaptation to acid soils: the molecular basis for crop aluminum resistance
- (Review Article)
Kochian, L.V., Pineros, M., Liu, J., Magalhaes, J. 2015. Plant adaptation to acid soils: the molecular basis for crop aluminum resistance. Annual Reviews of Plant Biology. 66:571-598. DOI: 10.1146/annualrev-arplant-043014-114822.
Arabidopsis OR proteins are the major post-transcriptional regulators of phytoene synthase in mediating carotenoid biosynthesis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhou, X., Welsch, R., Yang, Y., Riediger, M., Alvarez, D., Yuan, H., Fish, T., Liu, J., Thannhauser, T.W., Li, L. 2015. Arabidopsis OR proteins are the major post-transcriptional regulators of phytoene synthase in mediating carotenoid biosynthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112:3558-3563.
Natural variation underlies alterations in NRAT1 expression and function that play a key role in rice aluminum tolerance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, J., Liu, J., Dong, D., Jia, X., Mccouch, S., Kochian, L.V. 2014. Natural variation underlies alterations in NRAT1 expression and function that play a key role in rice aluminum tolerance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111(17):6503-6508.
Natural variation underlies alterations in Nramp aluminum transporter (NRAT1) expression and function that play a key role in rice aluminum tolerance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lyi, J., Liu, J., Dong, D., Jia, X., Mccouch, S., Kochian, L.V. 2014. Natural variation underlies alterations in Nramp aluminum transporter (NRAT1) expression and function that play a key role in rice aluminum tolerance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111(17):6503-6508.
The role of aluminum sensing and signaling in plant aluminum resistance
- (Review Article)
Liu, J., Pineros, M., Kochian, L.V. 2014. The role of aluminum sensing and signaling in plant aluminum resistance. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 56(3):221-230. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12162
Identification of a novel pathway involving a GATA transcription factor in yeast and possibly plant Zn uptake and homeostasis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Milner, M., Pence, N., Liu, J., Kochian, L.V. 2014. Identification of a novel pathway involving a GATA transcription factor in yeast and possibly plant Zn uptake and homeostasis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 56(3):271-280. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12169.
Physiological and molecular analysis of selected Kenyan maize lines for aluminum tolerance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Matonyei, T., Cheprot, R., Liu, J., Pineros, M., Shaff, J., Gudo, S., Were, B., Magalhaes, J., Kochian, L.V. 2014. Physiological and molecular analysis of selected Kenyan maize lines for aluminum tolerance. Plant Journal. 377:357-367.
Targeted expression of SbMATE in the root distal transition zone is responsible for sorghum aluminum resistance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, J., Sivaguru, M., Kochian, L.V. 2013. Targeted expression of SbMATE in the root distal transition zone is responsible for sorghum aluminum resistance. Plant Journal. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.12290.
Phylogenetic relationship among Kenyan sorghum germplasms based on aluminum tolerance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cheprot, R.K., Matonyei, T.K., Liu, J., Were, B.A., Dangasuk, G.O., Onkware, A.O., Ouma, E.O., Gudo, S., Kochian, L.V. 2013. Phylogenetic relationship among Kenyan sorghum germplasms based on aluminum tolerance. African Journal of Biotechnology. 12(22):3528-3536.
Low pH, aluminum and phosphorus coordinately regulate malate exudation through GmALMT1 to improve soybean adaptation to acid soils
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liang, C., Pineros, M., Tian, J., Yao, Z., Sun, L., Liu, J., Shaff, J., Liao, H., Kochian, L.V. 2013. Low pH, aluminum and phosphorus coordinately regulate malate exudation through GmALMT1 to improve soybean adaptation to acid soils. Plant Physiology. 161:1347-1361.
Incomplete transfer of accessory loci influencing SbMATE expression underlies genetic background effects for aluminum tolerance in sorghum
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Melo, J., Lana, U., Pineros, M., Alves, V., Guimaraes, C., Liu, J., Zheng, Y., Zhong, S., Fei, Z., Maron, L., Schaeffert, R., Kochian, L.V., Magalhaes, J. 2013. Incomplete transfer of accessory loci influencing SbMATE expression underlies genetic background effects for aluminum tolerance in sorghum. Plant Journal. 73(2):276-288.
A promoter swap strategy between the AtALMT and AtMATE genes increased arabidopsis aluminum resistance and improved carbon use efficiency for aluminum resistance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, J., Luo, X., Shaff, J., Liang, C., Jia, X., Li, Z., Magalhaes, J., Kochian, L.V. 2012. A promoter swap strategy between the AtALMT and AtMATE genes increased arabidopsis aluminum resistance and improved carbon use efficiency for aluminum resistance. Plant Journal. 71(2):327-337.
The relationship between population structure and aluminum tolerance in cultivated sorghum
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Caniato, F., Guimaraes, C., Hamblin, M., Billot, C., Rami, J., Maciel, B.H., Kochian, L.V., Liu, J., Garcia, A., Hash, C.T., Ramu, P., Mitchell, S., Kresovich, S., Oliveira, A., Avelar, G., Borem, A., Glaszmann, J., Schaffert, R.E., Magalhaes, J.V. 2011. The relationship between population structure and aluminum tolerance in cultivated sorghum. PloS One. 6(6):e20830. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0020830.
Recent Advances on the Molecular Basis of Crop Aluminum Resistance
- (Proceedings)
Kochian, L.V., Magalhaes, J., Liu, J., Hoekenga, O., Pineros, M. 2009. Recent Advances on the Molecular Basis of Crop Aluminum Resistance. Meeting Proceedings.
Aluminum-activated citrate and malate transporters from the MATE and ALMT families function independently to confer Arabidopsis aluminum tolerance
- (Proceedings)
Liu, J., Magalhaes, J., Shaff, J., Kochian, L.V. 2009. Aluminum-activated citrate and malate transporters from the MATE and ALMT families function independently to confer Arabidopsis aluminum tolerance. Meeting Proceedings. 57(3):389-399.
Aluminum-activated citrate and malate transporters from the MATE and ALMT families function independently to confer Arabidopsis aluminum tolerance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, J., Magalhaes, J., Shaff, J., Kochian, L.V. 2009. Aluminum-activated citrate and malate transporters from the MATE and ALMT families function independently to confer Arabidopsis aluminum tolerance. Plant Journal. 57(3):389-399.
Aluminum-activated citrate and malate transporters encoded by distinct Al tolerance genes function independently in Arabidopsis
- (Abstract Only)
Liu, J., Magalhaes, J., Shaff, J., Kochian, L.V. 2008. Aluminum-activated citrate and malate transporters encoded by distinct Al tolerance genes function independently in Arabidopsis. Plant and Animal Genome Conference.
Elucidating the Molecular Determinants of Aluminum Tolerance in Sorghum, Maize and Rice
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Kochian, L.V., Magalhaes, J., Liu, J., Pineros, M., Maron, L. 2008. Elucidating the Molecular Determinants of Aluminum Tolerance in Sorghum, Maize and Rice. Plant and Animal Genome Conference.
A member of the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion ‘MATE’ family is a major gene that confers aluminum tolerance in sorghum
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Magalhaes, J., Liu, J., Guimaraes, C., Lana, U., Alves, V., Wang, Y., Schaffert, R., Hoekenga, O., Shaff, J., Klein, P., Carneiro, N., Coelho, C., Trick, H., Kochian, L.V. 2007. A member of the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion ‘MATE’ family is a major gene that confers aluminum tolerance in sorghum. Nature Genetics. 39(9):1107-1113.
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of AltSB, A Major Aluminum Tolerance Gene in Sorghum
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Liu, J., Magalhaes, J., Guimaraes, C., Lana, U., Alves, V., Hoekenga, O., Shaff, J., Pineros, M., Wang, Y., Klein, P., Schaffert, R., Kochian, L.V. 2007. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of AltSB, A Major Aluminum Tolerance Gene in Sorghum [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome VX Conference Abstracts. p. 59.
Positional Cloning and Characterization of AltSB, a Major Aluminum Tolerance Gene in Sorghum: Toward the Identification of the Molecular and Physiological basis of Allelic effects
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Magalhaes, J., Liu, J., Alves, V., Guimaraes, C., Wang, Y., Lana, U., Schaffert, R., Hoekenga, O., Klein, P., Kochian, L.V. 2007. Positional Cloning and Characterization of AltSB, a Major Aluminum Tolerance Gene in Sorghum: Toward the Identification of the Molecular and Physiological basis of Allelic effects[abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome VX Conference Abstracts. p. 58.
Elucidating the Molecular Determinants of Aluminum Tolerance in Sorghum and Maize
- (Abstract Only)
Kochian, L.V., Magalhaes, J., Liu, J., Hoekenga, O., Guimaraes, C., Alves, V., Maron, L., Shaff, J., Lyi, M., Schaffert, R. 2006. Elucidating the Molecular Determinants of Aluminum Tolerance in Sorghum and Maize [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome VX Conference Abstracts. p. 42.