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David H Oi

Research Entomologist
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Telephone: (352) 374-5987
Fax: (352) 374-5818

Research Specialties


Ph.D. Entomology. University of California, Riverside (1987).
M.S. Entomology. University of Hawaii, Manoa (1983).
B.S. Horticulture. University of Hawaii, Manoa (1980).

Professional Experience

1998 - Present
Research Entomologist, UDSA-ARS, Center for Medical, Agricultural, & Veterinary Entomology, Gainesville, Florida;  Courtesy & Graduate Faculty, Entomology & Nematology Dept., Univ. of Florida 2002 - Present.

1995 - 1997
Affiliate Faculty, Auburn University, Department of Entomology, Auburn, Alabama.

1992 - 1995
Postdoctoral Research Associate, USDA-ARS, Medical & Veterinary Entomology Research Lab., Gainesville, Florida.

1990 - 1992
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Florida, Entomology & Nematology Dept., Gainesville, Florida.

1989 - 1990
Entomologist/Insectary Supervisor, Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Corp., Hilo, Hawaii.

Publications & Patents


Valles, S. M. and D. H. Oi.  Novel Nylanderia fulva virus.  US patent no. US 9,255,254. Date of Patent: Feb. 9, 2016.

Valles, S. M., R. M. Pereira, W. B. Hunter, D. H. Oi, C. A. Strong, P. M. Dang, D. F. Williams. 2011. Solenopsis invicta virus. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. United States Patent No. US 8,034,333 B2. Date of Patent: Oct 11, 2011.

Valles, S. M., R. M. Pereira, W. B. Hunter, D. H. Oi, C. A. Strong, P. M. Dang, and D. F. Williams. 2008. Solenopsis invicta viruses. United States Patent, Patent No. US 7,332,176 B1. Date of Patent: Oct 11, 2011, Feb. 19, 2008.

Vail, K. M., D. F. Williams, and D. H. Oi. 1999. Ant bait attractive to multiple species of ants. U.S. Patent No. US 5,939,061. Date of Patent: Aug. 17, 1999.