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Working with Pesticides at NAA Locations
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Considerations for Making Pesticide Applications at NAA Research Locations

North Atlantic Area State Pesticide Applicator Information (Table)

A Summary of NAA State Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements

State of Delaware Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements

State of Maine Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements

State of Maryland Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements

State of New York Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements

State of Pennsylvania Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements

State of West Virginia Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements

North Atlantic Area State Pesticide Applicator Record Keeping Requirements (Table)




When we contemplate all the activities conducted at our North Atlantic Area locations, those that present significant hazards to our employees include work with hazardous laboratory chemicals, toxic pesticides, and heavy equipment operation. Nearly all NAA facilities rely upon and utilize pesticides in some manner for controlling building pests as part of their grounds keeping program or as part of the research program. Every NAA employee that handles, applies, or works around pesticides should be familiar with ARS Policy and Procedure 600.12 entitled 'Guidelines and Precautions to be Taken by Personnel in Storing, Using, Handling, and Disposing of Agricultural Chemical Pesticides' which is accessible at the website address: /afm2/ppweb. While it is important that pesticide handling and application procedures at NAA locations be conducted in accordance with P&P 600.12, every NAA location is required to adhere to their state pesticide rules and regulations. States in the NAA will issue a Notice of Violation, followed by a Consent Order that includes a hefty civil penalty if employees or contractors are found to be applying pesticides in violation of state regulations.

It is important that each NAA location where employees are conducting pesticide applications have at least one state certified pesticide applicator. Every NAA state requires that any employee at your location that conducts pesticide applications be registered with the state. Employees that conduct pesticide applications are to be trained by your state pesticide agency as a certified applicator or are to be trained by your location under a state approved program within 30 days of hire. Untrained NAA employees should not be making or assisting with general use pesticide applications at your location unless they are under the direct supervision of a certified pesticide applicator. In addition to state pesticide regulations, locations should be aware that many NAA pesticide application activities are subject to provisions of the EPA Worker Protection Standard.

For any NAA employee or contractor that intends to assist with or make pesticide applications, you are strongly encouraged to review NAA state and agency pesticide guidelines provided in the following sections. A flowchart entitled Considerations for Pesticide Applications at North Atlantic Area Locations has been provided to guide the decision making process whenever a pesticide application need arises. A summary table entitled North Atlantic Area State Pesticide Applicator Information has been provided that lists your regulatory agency contact, type of applicator, applicator category, certification requirements, license renewal interval and fees, and state reciprocity (an agreement permitting certified applicators to operate outside of their location states). More detailed information about training, supervision, applicator certification and the recertification process in each NAA state can be found under the section entitled NAA State Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements. Maintaining a record of all pesticide applications is a requirement of every NAA state. A summary table entitled North Atlantic Area State Pesticide Applicator Record Keeping Requirements lists the information required for these records, the duration records are to be maintained, and the submittal requirements of some states.

Pesticides are well known to present significant hazards to your health and our environment when used improperly. Whether you are an administrator, scientist, technical support, facility maintenance person, or contractor at a location where pesticides are utilized, you should be concerned that your coworkers are trained and competent to legally and safely apply pesticides.