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Release of Climate Database Application 1.0
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The Climate Database Application, as the name suggests, is a database application that can be used to validate, analyze and visualize weather data for weather stations. This particular version includes weather parameters from weather stations distributed throughout Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The Climate Database Application is capable of validating weather parameters such as wind, temperature, rainfall, and evaporation; it can also compare weather parameters from various locations and allows the user to export the data.

The Climate Database Application was developed at our location as a tool to compare the climate change in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands, and provides a useful, ready-to-use historical weather dataset for Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands to interested researchers.

For additional information, please contact Carlos J. Ríos, Information Technology Specialist and/or Ricardo Goenaga, Research Leader/Plant Physiologist at the USDA-ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station.

Click here to download the latest version of the application, a software manual and data sets of more than twenty weathers stations around from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.


Rios, C. and R. Goenaga. 2019. Climate Database Application : A useful tool to validate, summarize, and visualize weather data of interest to agricultural research. V.1.