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SeedChaser - Version 2.0
Java Model to predict soil movement by tillage
Knowledge of the vertical distribution of surface residues, chemicals, or seeds following tillage operations is of paramount importance to a wide variety of soil research areas. SeedChaser is a 1-D empirical vertical soil tillage distribution model with 1 cm grid spacing that predicts vertical redistribution of weed seeds following user selected (a) sequences of tillage implements, and (b) initial seed distribution values. Results of this model are particularly suited for weed seed emergence modeling. However, the model can be adapted easily to any surface broadcasted agrochemical or incorporated residues. The present model can handle up to twenty passes of user selected sequences of sixteen different implements.Majority of prior models examined only the impact of a more limited list of implements at much larger depth intervals, which reduced the predictability of fine-scale vertical movement that may be needed for simulating movements of seeds or chemical granules. SeedChaser consolidates the results from these previous models along with new data on conservation tillage implements into a prediction tool that would have applications both in weed science, as well as other soil research areas.
This model was developed in JAVA, is simple to use, and runs on multiple platforms (e.g. Mac, PC, Sun).
Selected References:
Colbach, N., J. Roger-Estrade, B. Chauvel, and J. Caneill. 2000. Modeling vertical and lateral seed bank movements during moldboard ploughing. European Journal of Agronomy 13, 11-24.
Cousens, R. and S.R. Moss, 1990. A model of the effects of cultivation on the vertical distribution of weed seeds within the soil. Weed Research 30, 61-70.
Grundy, A.C., A. Mead, and S. Burton. 1999. Modeling the effect of cultivation on seed movement with application to the prediction of weed seedling emergence. Journal of Applied Ecology 36, 663-678.
Mead A, Grundy AC, Burston S. 1998. Predicting the movement of seeds following cultivation. In: Weed seedbanks: Determination, Dynamics, and Manipulation. Champion GT et al. (eds). Aspects of Applied Biology 51, pp. 91-98.
Mohler, C.L., J.C. Frisch, and C.E. McCulloch, 2005. Vertical movement of weed seed surrogates by tillage implements and natural processes. In Press. Soil and Tillage Research.
Pekrun, C., P.W. Lane, and P.J.W. Lutman. 2005. Modeling seedbank dynamics of volunteer oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Agricultural Systems 84, 1-20.
Roger-Estrade, J., N. Colbach, P. Leterme, G. Richard, and J. Caneill, 2001. Modeling vertical and lateral weed seed movements during moldboard ploughing with a skim-coulter. Soil and Tillage Research 63, 35-49.
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