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Research Project: Technologies to Improve Conversion of Biomass-Derived Sugars to Bioproducts

Location: Bioenergy Research

Title: Cellulosic ethanol production using a dual function novel yeast

item Liu, Zonglin
item Dien, Bruce

Submitted to: International Journal of Microbiology
Publication Type: Review Article
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/14/2022
Publication Date: 3/7/2022
Citation: Liu, Z., Dien, B.S. 2022. Cellulosic ethanol production using a dual function novel yeast. International Journal of Microbiology. 2022: Article 7853935.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Reducing the cost of cellulosic ethanol production, especially for cellulose hydrolytic enzymes, is vital to growing a sustainable and efficient cellulosic ethanol industry and bio-based economy. Using an ethanologenic yeast able to produce hydrolytic enzymes, such as Clavispora NRRL Y-50464, is one solution. NRRL Y-50464 is fast-growing and robust, and tolerates inhibitory compounds 2-furaldehyde (furfural) and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (HMF) associated with lignocellulose-to-fuel conversion. It produces three forms of ß-glucosidase isozymes, BGL1, BGL2, and BGL3, and ferment cellobiose as the sole carbon source. These ß-glucosidases exhibited desirable enzyme kinetic parameters and high levels of enzyme-specific activity toward cellobiose and many oligosaccharide substrates. They tolerate the product inhibition of glucose and ethanol, and are stable to temperature and pH conditions. These characteristics are desirable for more efficient cellulosic ethanol production by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. NRRL Y-50464 provided the highest cellulosic ethanol titers and conversion rates at lower cellulase loadings, using either pure cellulose or agricultural residues, as so far reported in the literature. This review summarizes NRRL Y-50464 performance on cellulosic ethanol production from refined cellulose, rice straw, and corn stover processed in various ways, in the presence or absence of furfural and HMF. This dual functional yeast has potential to serve as a prototype for the development of next-generation biocatalysts. Perspectives on continued strain development and process engineering improvements for more efficient cellulosic ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials are also discussed.