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Title: Trends and the effect of management on macronutrients in fractionated particulate matter in rooster house

item Lovanh, Nanh
item Loughrin, John
item Silva, Philip - Phil

Submitted to: American Association for Aerosol Research
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/1/2016
Publication Date: 10/17/2016
Citation: Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Silva, P.J. 2016. Trends and the effect of management on macronutrients in fractionated particulate matter in rooster house. American Association for Aerosol Research. Paper No. 8.CA.27.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The persistence and long life expectancy of ammonia, odors and toxic pollutants from poultry houses may be due to the ability of suspended particulate matters (SPM) to serve as carriers for odorous compounds such as ammonium ions and volatile organic compounds. SPM is generated from the feed, animal manure, and the birds themselves. A large portion of odor associated with exhaust air from poultry houses is SPM that have absorbed odors from within the houses. Understanding the fate and transport processes of particulate emissions in poultry house is a necessary first step in utilizing the appropriate abatement strategies. In this study, the examination of the macronutrients such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium distributions in SPM in a rooster house was carried out. Fractionated SPM (2.5 'm, 10.0 'm, and total inhalable fraction or TIH) were collected from a rooster house using particle trap impactors. The SPM from the particle trap impactors were extracted and analyzed for various chemical species using ion chromatography (IC) and high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that macronutrients were highly concentrated in the smaller SPM than the larger size particles. In addition, the concentrations of macronutrients were observed to increase over the life of the flock. Furthermore, a marked increase in SPM concentrations was observed during non-feeding periods used to increase leanness in birds. During the 25 weeks of growth, the average concentration differences between feeding and non-feeding periods for PM2.5, PM10, and TIH were 58%, 104%, and 149%, respectively.