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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Madison, Wisconsin » Cereal Crops Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #90356


item Budde, Allen
item Goplin, Eddie
item Jones, Berne

Submitted to: Brewers Digest
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/20/1998
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The CCRU evaluates the malting quality of over 4,000 breeders' selections each year. Historically, we have searched for selections that had ever higher levels of enzymatic activity by intentionally undermodifying our malts and measuring which lines performed best under these conditions. Industry has now decided that amylolitic levels have reached satisfactory levels in the standard varieties Morex and Harrington, and that they do not want new lines with increased enzyme levels. Our goal has thus changed to malting the experimental submissions to produce well modified malts that reflect the quality the lines would have if malted commercially. To improve modification, we have varied our steep temperature, air rest profile and the out-of-steep barley moisture levels, as well as the temperature and duration of germination. We have also examined the effect of constant versus intermittent sample rotation during germination. Incorporation of some of these changes into our routine analysis program has allowed us to compare the malting performance of our checks yearly. Analyses show that our malts have become better modified with each adopted change. To ensure that we do not overmodify our malts, we have obtained Morex and Harrington samples from industry sources, malted them under varying conditions, and compared the resulting malts with their commercially malted counterparts. We can now prepare micromalts that are very similar to industrial malts.