Mengeling, William | |
Lager, Kelly | |
Vorwald, Ann |
Submitted to: Swine Disease Conference Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings Publication Acceptance Date: 6/5/1997 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Successful swine production depends in part on recognizing and controlling diseases that affect reproductive performance. Among the most important are those caused by viruses and manifested primarily by their adverse effect on pregnant gilts and sows. Fortunately all of the more common virus-induced reproductive diseases can be prevented by ensuring immunity, usually by vaccination, of gilts and boars before they enter the breeding herd. From an economic standpoint, however, a decision on whether to incur the cost of vaccination is likely to depend on its perceived cost/benefit ratio, which in turn requires a knowledge of the incidence of the corresponding disease and its imminent threat to the herd under consideration. The information included in this proceedings describes methods for the diagnosis, control, and prevention of virus-induced reproductive diseases of swine. |