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Research Project: Preventing the Development of Childhood Obesity

Location: Children's Nutrition Research Center

Title: Determinants of retention in care of newborns diagnosed with sickle cell disease in Liberia: Results from a mixed-methods study of caregivers

item UDHAYASHANKAR, KANAGASABAI - John F Kennedy Medical Center
item FRANKLIN, PATIENCE - John F Kennedy Medical Center
item NUTA, CECELIA - John F Kennedy Medical Center
item CHERUE, ADOLPHUS - John F Kennedy Medical Center
item HAQ, HEATHER - Baylor College Of Medicine
item Thompson, Deborah
item TUBMAN, VENÉE - Baylor College Of Medicine

Submitted to: PLOS Global Public Health
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/10/2023
Publication Date: 4/4/2023
Citation: Udhayashankar, K., Franklin, P.D., Nuta, C.J., Cherue, A.K., Haq, H., Thompson, D.J., Tubman, V.N. 2023. Determinants of retention in care of newborns diagnosed with sickle cell disease in Liberia: Results from a mixed-methods study of caregivers. PLOS Global Public Health. 3(4). Article e0001705.

Interpretive Summary: High-income nations have established that early diagnosis and preventive treatment reduces early deaths in sickle cell disease (SCD). However, in low-/middle-income countries where SCD is common, attrition from clinical care is common. Reasons for poor retention in care are multi-factorial and poorly understood. This study provides a framework for improving retention in care. In a low resource country such as Liberia, much can be done by leveraging existing resources and cultural practices. Five themes influencing health decisions were identified: grief, the importance of support networks, stigma, perceived benefits, and the burden of chronic disease. The five themes crossed multiple domains of a socioecological model and identified complex interactions between family, community, social and cultural norms, and organizational structures. This study highlights the importance of community awareness of SCD and appropriate health communication by healthcare workers.

Technical Abstract: High-income nations have established that early diagnosis and preventive treatment reduces early deaths in sickle cell disease (SCD). However, in low-/middle-income countries where SCD is common, attrition from clinical care is common. Reasons for poor retention in care are multi-factorial and poorly understood. The objective of this study was to identify factors that influence caregiver decision-making around chronic health care needs of a child with SCD. We conducted an exploratory sequential mixed methods study of caregivers of children diagnosed with SCD during a newborn screening program in Liberia. Caregivers completed questionnaires and semi-structured interviews designed to identify drivers of health decision-making. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed using semi-structured thematic analysis to identify themes. Data integration occurred by using quantitative results to expand and clarify the qualitative themes. Twenty-six caregivers participated in the study. The mean age of the child at the interview was 43.7 months. Five themes influencing health decisions were identified: grief, the importance of support networks, stigma, perceived benefits, and the burden of chronic disease. The five themes crossed multiple domains of a socioecological model and identified complex interactions between family, community, social and cultural norms, and organizational structures. This study highlights the importance of community awareness of SCD and appropriate health communication by healthcare workers. Healthcare decision-making is multifactorial and complex. These results provide a framework for improving retention in care. In a low-resource country such as Liberia, much can be done by leveraging existing resources and cultural practices.