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Research Project: Management of Temperate-Adapted Fruit, Nut, and Specialty Crop Genetic Resources and Associated Information

Location: National Clonal Germplasm Repository

Title: VacCAP produces a targeted capture genotyping platform for blueberry

item Bassil, Nahla
item DRISKILL, MANDIE - University Of Oregon
item EDGER, PATRICK - Michigan State University
item CHAGNE, DAVID - New Zealand Institute Of Plant & Food Research
item MONTANARI, SARA - New Zealand Institute Of Plant & Food Research
item THOMPSON, SUSAN - New Zealand Institute Of Plant & Food Research
item ESPLEY, RICHARD - New Zealand Institute Of Plant & Food Research
item MUNOZ, PATRICIO - University Of Florida
item BENEVENUTO, JULIANA - University Of Florida
item ZHAO, DONGYAN - Cornell University
item SHEEHAN, MOIRA - Cornell University
item FENTIE, MOLLA - North Carolina State University
item Rowland, Lisa
item ASHRAFI, HAMID - North Carolina State University
item MELMAIEE, KALPALATHA - Delaware State University
item Babiker, Ebrahiem
item OLMSTEAD, JAMES - Driscoll'S
item GILBERT, JESSICA - Driscoll'S
item KNISKERN, JOEL - Driscoll'S
item WELLS, MICAH - Rapid Genomics
item IORIZZO, MASSIMO - North Carolina State University

Submitted to: Acta horticulturae
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/29/2022
Publication Date: 8/15/2022
Citation: Bassil, N.V., Driskill, M., Edger, P., Chagne, D., Montanari, S., Thompson, S., Espley, R., Munoz, P., Benevenuto, J., Zhao, D., Sheehan, M., Fentie, M., Rowland, L.J., Ashrafi, H., Melmaiee, K., Babiker, E.M., Olmstead, J., Gilbert, J., Kniskern, J., Wells, M., Iorizzo, M. 2022. VacCAP produces a targeted capture genotyping platform for blueberry. Acta Horticulturae.

Interpretive Summary: The Vaccinium coordinated agricultural project (VacCAP) was funded in 2019 as a multi-institutional transdisciplinary project focused on enabling DNA-assisted breeding in blueberry and cranberry, with an emphasis on fruit quality traits. The objective of this study is to use a community approach to develop a genotyping platform for blueberry. After assessing current technologies, the Vaccinium research community selected a targeted genotyping platform, for cost effectiveness, flexibility, and ability to capture and generate needed DNA markers in the tetraploid blueberry. A set of 192 (156 from the VacCAP project; 36 from 10 community breeders) northern and southern highbush blueberries and breeding founders was chosen. The first phase consisted of genotyping this set with 50,000 markers distributed across the genome. We present the development and evaluation of this platform in the diversity set and the subsequent selection of 20,000 markers as a resource for genetic studies in the cultivated blueberry.

Technical Abstract: The Vaccinium coordinated agricultural project (VacCAP) was funded in 2019 as a multi-institutional transdisciplinary project focused on enabling marker-assisted selection in blueberry and cranberry, with an emphasis on fruit quality traits. The objective of this study is to use a community approach to develop a high throughput genotyping platform for blueberry. After assessing current technologies, the Vaccinium research community selected a targeted genotyping platform, Flex-Seq EX-L, for cost effectiveness, flexibility, ability to capture single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and generate genotype and haplotype data in the tetraploid blueberry. A diversity set of 192 (156 from the VacCAP project; 36 from 10 community breeders) northern and southern highbush blueberries and breeding founders was chosen. The first phase consisted of genotyping this set with 50,000 SNPs distributed across the genome. Core genes as well as regions associated with quantitative trait loci (QTL) provided by the blueberry community were prioritized. We present the development and evaluation of this 50K Flex Seq EX-L in the diversity set and the subsequent selection of a 20K genotyping platform as a resource for genome-wide association and other genetic studies for the blueberry community.