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Research Project: MaizeGDB: Enabling Access to Basic, Translational, and Applied Research Information

Location: Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research

Title: Maize Genetics Committee on Outreach, Diversity, Inclusion, and Education (CODIE) 2020-2021 Update

item Andorf, Carson
item BARTLETT, MADELAINE - University Of Massachusetts, Amherst
item BASS, HANK - University Of Florida
item DE LEON, NATALIA - University Of Wisconsin
item DOYLE, ERIN - Doane University
item DURHAM BROOKS, TESSA - Doane University
item FOWLER, JOHN - Oregon State University
item JACKSON, DAVID - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
item LUBKOWITZ, MARK - St Michael'S College
item MAKAREVITCH, IRINA - Hamilton College
item Portwood Ii, John
item PRAUD, SEBASTIEN - Limagrain Ibérica
item Woodhouse, Margaret
item YANDEAU-NELSON, MARNA - Iowa State University
item Warburton, Marilyn

Submitted to: Maize Annual Meetings
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/6/2021
Publication Date: 3/8/2021
Citation: Andorf, C.M., Bartlett, M., Bass, H., De Leon, N., Doyle, E., Durham Brooks, T., Fowler, J., Jackson, D., Lubkowitz, M., Makarevitch, I., Morais De Sousa, S., Portwood Ii, J.L., Praud, S., Woodhouse, M.H., Yandeau-Nelson, M., Warburton, M.L. 2021. Maize Genetics Committee on Outreach, Diversity, Inclusion, and Education (CODIE) 2020-2021 Update. Maize Annual Meetings. 83.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: During the 2020 Maize Genetics Meeting, the newly formed Maize Genetics Cooperation (MGC) gave a statement responding to the issues related to the Black Lives Matter movement, highlighting the need for active pursuit of decisive steps to counter systemic racism and injustice. Subsequent discussions within the maize community led to the formation of the standing Committee on Outreach, Diversity, Inclusion, and Education (CODIE) of the MGC. This committee of volunteers is charged with fostering a diverse and inclusive community of maize genetics and genomics researchers. CODIE seeks to do this by increasing the equitable representation of people based on race, gender, physical ability, sexual orientation, and any other identity attributes and acknowledging their important contributions, within the Maize Genetics Cooperation (MGC) and its leadership; within the area of Maize Genetics; and within the broader field of STEM education, research, and industry. In its first year, CODIE took initial steps towards its mission including (1) formal formation of the committee and charge document; (2) compiling a recommended reading list and funding opportunities, disseminated via MaizeGDB/webpage/internet; (3) developing two new community awards to recognize significant efforts in this area; (4) sponsoring a series of "21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenges" (5) expanding funding and mentorship opportunities for students; and (6) creating diversity and inclusion events at the Maize Genetics Meeting including the "Fostering Diversity in the Maize Research Community" lecture. To learn more about CODIE, including how to get involved, please visit, stop by the virtual poster, or meet current members at the conference networking session.