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ARS Home » Northeast Area » Leetown, West Virginia » Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #360595

Title: Sex-dependent dominance maintains migration supergene in rainbow trout

item PEARSE, DEVON - National Marine Fisheries
item BARSON, NICOLA - Centre For Integrative Genetics (CIGENE)
item NOME, TORFINN - Centre For Integrative Genetics (CIGENE)
item Gao, Guangtu
item CAMPBELL, MATTHEW - National Marine Fisheries
item ABADIA-CARDOSO, ALICIA - National Marine Fisheries
item ANDERSON, ERIC - National Marine Fisheries
item RUNDIO, DAVID - National Marine Fisheries
item WILLIAMS, THOMAS - National Marine Fisheries
item NAISH, KERRY - University Of Washington
item MOEN, THOMAS - Aquagen
item Liu, Sixin
item KENT, MATTHEW - Centre For Integrative Genetics (CIGENE)
item MINKLEY, DAVID - University Of Victoria
item RONDEAU, ERIC - University Of Victoria
item BRIEUC, MARINE S. - University Of Washington
item SANDVE, SIMEN RØD - Centre For Integrative Genetics (CIGENE)
item MILLER, MICHAEL - University Of California, Davis
item CEDILLO, LUCYDALILA - University Of California, Davis
item BARUCH, KOBI - Nrgene
item HERNANDEZ, ALVARO - University Of Illinois
item BEN-ZVI, GIL - Nrgene
item SHEM-TOV, DORON - Nrgene
item BARAD, OMER - Nrgene
item KUZISHCHIN, KIRILL - Moscow State University
item GARZA, JOHN CARLOS - National Marine Fisheries
item LINDLEY, STEVEN - National Marine Fisheries
item KOOP, BEN - University Of Victoria
item THORGAARD, GARY - Washington State University
item Palti, Yniv
item LIEN, SIGBJØRN - Centre For Integrative Genetics (CIGENE)

Submitted to: bioRxiv
Publication Type: Trade Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/5/2019
Publication Date: 3/5/2019
Citation: Pearse, D.E., Barson, N.J., Nome, T., Gao, G., Campbell, M.A., Abadia-Cardoso, A., Anderson, E.C., Rundio, D.E., Williams, T.H., Naish, K.A., Moen, T., Liu, S., Kent, M., Minkley, D.R., Rondeau, E.B., Brieuc, M.O., Sandve, S., Miller, M.R., Cedillo, L., Baruch, K., Hernandez, A.G., Ben-Zvi, G., Shem-Tov, D., Barad, O., Kuzishchin, K., Garza, J., Lindley, S.T., Koop, B.F., Thorgaard, G.H., Palti, Y., Lien, S. 2019. Sex-dependent dominance maintains migration supergene in rainbow trout [serial online]. bioRxiv.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Traits with different fitness optima in males and females cause sexual conflict when they have a shared genetic basis. Heteromorphic sex chromosomes can resolve this conflict and protect sexually antagonistic polymorphisms but accumulate deleterious mutations. However, many taxa lack differentiated sex chromosomes, and how sexual conflict is resolved in these species is largely unknown. Here we present a chromosome-anchored genome assembly for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and characterize a 56 Mb double-inversion supergene that mediates sex-specific migration through sex-dependent dominance, a mechanism that reduces sexual conflict. The double-inversion contains key photosensory, circadian rhythm, adiposity, and sexual differentiation genes and displays frequency clines associated with latitude and temperature, revealing environmental dependence. Our results constitute the first example of sex-dependent dominance across a large autosomal supergene, a novel mechanism for sexual conflict resolution capable of protecting polygenic sexually antagonistic variation while avoiding the homozygous lethality and deleterious mutation load of heteromorphic sex chromosomes.