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Title: Selecting lentil accessions for global selenium biofortification

item THAVARAJAH, DIL - Clemson University
item ABARE, ALEX - Clemson University
item MAPA, INDIKA - Clemson University
item Coyne, Clarice
item KUMAR, SHIV - International Center For Agricultural Research In The Dry Areas (ICARDA)
item PUSHPARAJAH, THAVARAJAH - Bov Solutions Inc

Submitted to: Plants
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/23/2017
Publication Date: 11/20/2017
Citation: Thavarajah, D., Abare, A., Mapa, I., Coyne, C.J., Kumar, S., Pushparajah, T. 2017. Selecting lentil accessions for global selenium biofortification. Plants. 6(3):34.

Interpretive Summary: Selenium deficiency is a global public health concern. Recent estimates indicate 15 to 20% of children and adults around the world are Se deficient. This means an estimated 30-100 million people are Se deficient, mainly due to low concentrations of bioavailable Se in commonly eaten foods. Biofortification, i.e., enriching staple foods with Se through conventional plant breeding, is considered a sustainable way to increase Se intake and support good general health. Globally, pulses are becoming popular as they are a nutritionally superior, medium-energy food that is low in fat, high in protein, and a good source of micronutrients. Therefore, further phenotyping studies with diverse wild accessions will provide greater opportunities to select the most potential breeding lines for Se biofortification efforts. We determined (1) the positive effect of low dose Se fertilizer on seedling biomass, antioxidant activity, and Se uptake of 26 cultivated lentil genotypes from low soil Se regions during germination, and (2) we determined the seed Se concentration of 191 lentil wild accessions grown in low Se soils of Terbol, Lebanon._________________

Technical Abstract: Biofortification of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus.) has the potential to provide adequate daily selenium (Se) to human diets. The objectives of this study were to (1) determine how low dose Se fertilizer application at germination affects seedling biomass, antioxidant activity, and Se uptake of 26 cultivated lentil genotypes, and (2) quantify the seed Se concentration of 191 lentil wild accessions grown in Terbol, Lebanon. A germination study was conducted with two Se treatments [0 (control) and 30 kg of Se/ha] with three replicates. A separate field study was conducted in Lebanon for wild accessions without Se fertilizer. Among cultivated lentil accessions, PI533690 and PI533693 showed >100% biomass increase vs. controls. Se addition significantly increased seedling Se uptake, with the greatest uptake (6.2 µg g-1) by PI320937 and the least uptake (1.1 µg g-1) by W627780. Seed Se concentrations of wild accessions ranged from 0 to 2.5 µg g-1; accessions originating from Syria (0–2.5 µg g-1) and Turkey (0–2.4 µg g-1) had the highest seed Se. Frequency distribution analysis revealed that seed Se for 63% of accessions was between 0.25 and 0.75 µg g-1, and thus a single 50 g serving of lentil has the potential to provide adequate dietary Se (20-60% of daily recommended daily allowance). As such, Se application during plant growth for certain lentil genotypes grown in low Se soils may be a sustainable Se biofortification solution to increase seed Se concentration. Incorporating a diverse panel of lentil wild germplasm into Se biofortification programs will increase genetic diversity for effective genetic mapping for increased lentil seed Se nutrition and plant productivity.