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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Mayaguez, Puerto Rico » Tropical Crops and Germplasm Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #300746

Title: Progress in breeding Andean common bean for resistance to common bacerial blight

item VITERI, DIEGO - University Of Idaho
item TERAN, HENRY - Dupont Company
item ASENCIO-S.-MANZANERA, M.C. - Castilla Institute
item ASENCIO, C. - Castilla Institute
item Porch, Timothy
item Miklas, Phillip
item SINGH, SHREE - University Of Idaho

Submitted to: Crop Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/15/2014
Publication Date: 10/1/2014
Citation: Viteri, D.M., Teran, H., Asencio-S.-Manzanera, M., Asencio, C., Porch Clay, T.G., Miklas, P.N., Singh, S. 2014. Progress in breeding Andean common bean for resistance to common bacerial blight. Crop Science. 54:2084-2092.

Interpretive Summary: Common bacterial blight is a severe disease of common bean worldwide. Use of resistant cultivars is crucial for the control of this disease. The objectives of this research were to assess the progress made in breeding large-seeded Andean beans developed between 1974 and 2010, and then to determine their molecular markers composition for specific markers lined to bacterial blight resistance genes. Ten Andean and three Middle American common bacterial blight resistant beans and the susceptible cultivar ‘Othello’ were evaluated in the greenhouse in 2011. Bacterial strains ARX8 and Xcp25 were used to inoculate primary and trifoliolate leaves. The Xcp25 strain caused more disease than ARX8 strain. Andean Montcalm with the SAP6 marker and USDK-CBB-15 and USWK-CBB-17 with SAP6 and SU91 markers, showed an intermediate response to ARX8 and a susceptible response to Xcp25. Middle American VAX 1 with SAP6, Andeans 08SH840 and CXR 1 with the SAP6 and SU91, and Andeans RCS52-2, RCS53-3, and RCS63-5B with the SU91and BC420 markers, were near resistant or intermediate to both strains. Middle American VAX 3 and VAX 6, with SAP6 and SU91 markers, had the highest levels of resistance to ARX8, but their responses to Xcp25 were similar to the latter Andean group. Thus, significant improvement has been achieved, but breeding for yet higher levels of resistance, recovery of commercial seed types, and improving yield and other agronomic traits should be emphasized.

Technical Abstract: Common bacterial blight is a severe disease of common bean worldwide. Use of resistant cultivars is crucial for its control. The objectives were: 1. assess the progress made in breeding large-seeded Andean bean developed between 1974 and 2010, and 2. determine their resistance-linked SCAR marker composition. Ten Andean and three Middle American common bacterial blight resistant beans and susceptible ‘Othello’ were evaluated in the greenhouse in 2011. Bacterial strains ARX8 and Xcp25 were used to inoculate primary and trifoliolate leaves. The mean leaf score of the trifoliolate was 4.8 and the primary had less disease with a mean score of 2.5. The Xcp25 had a mean score of 3.3 in the primary and 5.5 in the trifoliolate leaves. The respective scores for ARX8 were 1.7 and 4.2. Andean Montcalm with the SAP6 marker and USDK-CBB-15 and USWK-CBB-17 with SAP6 and SU91 markers, showed an intermediate response to ARX8 and a susceptible response to Xcp25. Middle American VAX 1 with SAP6, Andeans 08SH840 and CXR 1 with the SAP6 and SU91, and Andeans RCS52-2, RCS53-3, and RCS63-5B with the SU91and BC420 markers, were near resistant or intermediate to both strains. Middle American VAX 3 and VAX 6, with SAP6 and SU91 markers, had the highest levels of resistance to ARX8, but their responses to Xcp25 were similar to the latter Andean group. Thus, significant improvement has been achieved, but breeding for yet higher levels of resistance, recovery of commercial seed types, and improving yield and other agronomic traits should be emphasized.