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Title: Genus II. Leptonema Hovind-Hougen 1983, 439AL

item Zuerner, Richard

Submitted to: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/29/2009
Publication Date: 2/1/2011
Citation: Zuerner, R.L. 2011. Genus II. Leptonema Hovind-Hougen 1983, 439VP. In: Krieg, N., Staley, J., Brown, D., Hedlund, B., Paster, B., Ward, N., Wolfgang, L., Whitman, W., editors. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. 2nd edition. New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London: Springer. p. 556-557.

Interpretive Summary: Leptonema comprise a unique group of spirochete bacteria. They have been used to characterize the unique motility of spirochetes. This chapter is a taxonomic description of the genus.

Technical Abstract: Leptonema are morphologically similar to Leptospira. They are unique within Leptospiraceae by having cytoplasmic tubules that extend from near the insertion of periplasmic flagella to about mid-section of the cell. These bacteria are aerobes that consume long-chain fatty acids and long-chain fatty alcohols as carbon and energy sources. Unlike Leptospira or Turneriella can grow on trypticase broth. There are three serovars described in this genus. This genus is distinguished from Leptospira or Turneriella by lack of similarity using DNA hybridization analysis, and it has a unique 16S rRNA sequence profile. These bacteria are free living in soil or aquatic environments, and some strains are found in association with animals. Not pathogenic for cattle, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, or mice.