Submitted to: Germplasm Release
Publication Type: Germplasm Release Publication Acceptance Date: 8/6/2007 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: This is a Germplasm Release, no Interpretive Summary Required. Technical Abstract: The Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, the Clemson University Experiment Station, and Cotton Incorporated announce the release of two Upland cotton germplasm lines, PD 98066 and PD 99035 that possess superior fiber quality and acceptable yield performance under a range of growing environments. Based on head-to-head comparisons with commercial cultivars in four on-station trials (Florence, SC) from 2005-2006 and data collected from the 2006 South Carolina Official Variety Trials (five statewide locations), PD 98066 and PD 99035 outperformed commercial cultivars for fiber strength and length by 3-10%. PD 98066 and PD 99035 also outperformed commercial cultivars for fiber strength and length across nine locations of the 2006 Regional Breeders Testing Network (RBTN) trials conducted across the United States cotton production area. In all of the trials conducted in 2005 and 2006, PD 98066 and PD 99035 produced excellent fiber quality while also producing lint yields approximately 5-10% less than the highest yielding commercial cultivar. PD 98066 and PD 99035 are germplasm lines that provide public and private breeders with resources for concurrent improvement of fiber quality and yield performance in Upland cottons targeted for the southeastern United States. The lines also serve as genetic resources for improving fiber quality in environments across the Upland cotton belt of the United States. |