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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Maricopa, Arizona » U.S. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center » Water Management and Conservation Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #209349


item Replogle, John
item Kruse, E

Submitted to: Book Chapter
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/15/2007
Publication Date: 10/2/2007
Citation: Replogle, J.A., Kruse, E.G. 2007. Chapter 11. Delivery and distribution systems. 11:347-391.

Interpretive Summary: Primary limits on the effectiveness of irrigation distribution system components themselves, and the management concept uses with that system. This handbook chapter brings together the accumulated knowledge needed to rehabilitate and modernize the nation’s aging irrigation infrastructure. The competition for water supplies requires quantification of applied irrigation water as a major component of effective irrigation management. Thus, a portion of the chapter is devoted to a summary of flow measurement technology especially applicable to irrigation. Another portion describes the types of irrigation delivery policies used with large distribution systems and their impact on farm operations, including the management of these systems by the delivery authority and the subsequent management needs at the farm level. General operational characteristics of popular outlet structures are described, including the use of reservoirs to modify an imposed policy, or to improve the effectiveness of a large system. The information will be of interest to irrigation delivery designers, builders, operators and managers worldwide, such as USBR, NRCS, THE UN, and USAID, as well as consulting engineering offices with responsibilities of building, rehabilitating, and modernizing irrigation delivery systems.

Technical Abstract: Water delivery through canals or pipelines usually implies that several farms must somehow share access to the water in terms of flow rate, duration of access, and the return time to access the flow again, called an irrigation schedule, which can be rigid or flexible regarding the rate, duration and frequency component. An important aspect of good irrigation management is the quantification of the applied water. Canal and pipeline water measurement methodology, particularly appropriate to irrigated agriculture is presented. With the increased appreciation of the value of higher on-farm irrigation efficiency to save water, labor, and energy, there is an increased tendency for mechanizing and automating supply, distribution, and application systems in order to deliver water with a flexible schedule. Requirements of system management and equipment, including reservoir use and management, structures and water conveyance design, system operation and maintenance, and mosquito control, round out the chapter.