Sauer, Thomas | |
Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 9/1/1999 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Animal wastes contain nutrients that, if delivered in sufficient quantities, have potential to negatively impact surface and subsurface water quality. The Savoy Experimental Watershed (SEW) was established as a site for long-term studies of animal waste impacts on surface and subsurface water quality in karst terrain such as the Ozark Highlands. The SEW is a collaborative effort between the University of Arkansas, USDA-ARS, USGS, and ADEQ and involves an interdisciplinary team of scientists. The most intense monitoring activities have been directed at Basin 1 of the SEW, a 147 ha watershed immediately adjacent to the Illinois River. Surface cover in Basin 1 is divided between forest (60%) and pasture (40%) and the entire watershed is grazed by beef cattle (Bos taurus). Poultry litter (bedding material and manure) is applied at varying intervals to pastures within the basin. Results of monitoring activities at the SEW indicate significant transport of NO3-N in Basin 1 via surface and subsurface flow paths while low concentrations of DRP in spring and runoff water indicate effective retention of P in soil layers. Low concentrations of sediment-bound N and P suggest that erosion is not a significant factor in nutrient transport within this basin. Langle and Copperhead Springs capture surface runoff, a process that effectively bypasses further nutrient retention by surface soil layers. |