Location: Dairy Forage Research
Project Number: 5090-31000-027-030-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement
Start Date: Nov 1, 2023
End Date: Aug 31, 2028
Procurement of in-pasture, portable, individual livestock, greenhouse gas monitoring devices for different USDA ARS research locations. This will improve data collection around enteric greenhouse gas (GHG) research and improving model estimates of enteric GHG inventories through contributions from pasture and rangeland system. Individual animal enteric GHG from grazing systems is limited and a primary area in need of equipment investments that meet certain specifications.
Experimental work plan submitted for the enteric methane group within GHG Quantification Action Area #2 (AA#2) – Greenhouse Gas Research Network, involves measurements of individual animals in grazing systems. The purchase of in-pasture, portable, individual livestock, greenhouse gas monitoring devices will allow continuity of data collection across ARS locations participating in IRA GHG AA#2.