Location: Tropical Pest Genetics and Molecular Biology Research
Project Number: 2040-22430-028-010-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement
Start Date: Mar 1, 2022
End Date: Mar 1, 2024
1. Determine the role of virus-like particles (VLPs) on Fopius arisanus parasitism success.
2. Identify genes essential for VLP production and function.
1. Identify virulent effects of VLPs on fruit fly hosts by injecting purified VLPs into nonparasitized flies.
2. Identify beneficial effects of VLPs on F. arisanus parasitism success by clearing wasps of VLPs and measuring differences in parasitism success.
3. Use RNAi to knockdown VLP genes and assess whether their functions are conserved.
4. Perform proteomics analysis on purified VLPs to identify protein factors that are delivered to host flies.