Location: Crop Improvement and Protection Research
Project Number: 2038-22000-019-023-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Nov 1, 2020
End Date: Apr 30, 2023
The project objectives included those to 1) develop race-specific DNA assays to survey DM diversity in spinach growing regions over 2 years to guide farmers and breeders in germplasm selection, 2) breed broad genetic resistance to DM for organic production to reduce losses, and 3) train students in pathology, plant breeding, and extension, and extend knowledge to growers and industry personnel. USDA ARS, Salinas will focus on objective 1.
DNA sequences from isolates of the downy mildew pathogen Peronospora effusa will be obtained by the collaborator and shared with USDA ARS, Salinas, for examination of sequences that may be specific to different races of the pathogen for differentiation. USDA ARS, Salinas will assist in the analyses of DNA to identify these potential regions of mutual interest. USDA ARS Salinas will sample spinach leaves from commercial organic and conventional fields, and perform the testing of the in-field assay for P. effusa.