Location: Soil Dynamics Research
Project Number: 6010-11120-009-022-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jul 1, 2019
End Date: Jun 30, 2024
Develop management practices for economically and environmentally sustainable full life-cycle poultry production systems.
Research will be focused on poultry waste management to ensure the economic and environmental sustainability of poultry production in Alabama and beyond. Specific areas planned for study include: developing technologies to extract and recover Phosphorus (P) from poultry litter; refining the Alabama phosphorus index tool to accurately assign the phosphorus loss risk of manure application practices in agricultural lands; development of best management practices to reduce the transport of phosphorus, nitrogen and greenhouse gases from agricultural fields receiving poultry litter; and utilizing gypsum as a bedding material in poultry houses to improve bird performance and control NH3 emissions from the litter.