Location: Soil Management Research
Project Number: 5060-30500-001-005-N
Project Type: Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Apr 1, 2024
End Date: Dec 31, 2027
1. Identify tillage and planting practices and environmental factors that result in exceptional golden-seedcoat pennycress stand establishment (50% stand or greater).
2. Determine suitability of sweet corn, pea, dry bean, and spring wheat as preceding rotation crops for pennycress.
3. Identify herbicides that may be applied in sweet corn, pea, dry bean, and pea that will not reduce pennycress or camelina stand.
4. Quantify volunteer golden-seedcoat pennycress recruitment and persistence in double crop soybean following pennycress.
5. Determine how pennycress stand establishment methods influence weed recruitment and persistence within a pennycress crop.
6. Measure pennycress stubble effect on weed recruitment in a subsequent soybean crop.
7. Measure pennycress effect on soybean yield, and total potential oil yield in a double crop system
8. Measure pennycress effect on residual soil nitrogen.
Three sets of experiments will be established:
1. Cropping system experiments: Pennycress stand establishment after wheat and dry bean in Morris, and pea and sweet corn in Waseca. There will be 10 treatments for each system with varied tilling and planting times and methods: After pennycress is harvested, double-crop soybean will be planted. Data collection will include daily weather data; pennycress emergence date, stand counts, canopy cover, maturity date, total biomass, seed yield, and seed oil/protein; residual nitrogen during pennycress growth period; weed density and biomass in both the pennycress and soybean phases of the rotation; volunteer pennycress persistence for 12 months after harvest; and double crop soybean seed yield and quality.
2. Herbicide carryover in the field. Carryover of common wheat, dry bean, pea and corn herbicides to pennycress and camelina. Apply 8-12 of the most common commercial herbicide programs used in spring wheat, dry bean/pea/soybean, and corn. No-till drill pennycress and camelina into herbicide treatment plots in September after harvest of the summer annual crop. Measure pennycress and camelina stand, injury, canopy cover, maturity date, biomass, and seed yield.
3. Greenhouse dose response studies measuring herbicide carryover risk to pennycress and camelina. Use single active ingredient herbicides and common herbicide pre-mixtures at rates representing 0 to 8 half-life periods (depending on herbicide half-life length) of herbicides used in wheat, dry bean and pea. Measure pennycress and camelina stand, phytotoxicity at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after planting (WAP), and biomass at 6 WAP.
Cooperator will manage cropping system experiments in sweet corn and pea while. ARS will manage cropping system experiments in dry bean and spring wheat. ARS will conduct the greenhouse herbicide carryover studies. Field herbicide carryover studies will be conducted by both the cooperator and ARS.