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Research Project: Testing of Wound Dressings for Hemorrhage Control

Location: Cotton Chemistry and Utilization Research

Project Number: 6054-41430-009-004-A
Project Type: Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jan 1, 2023
End Date: Aug 30, 2023

The objective is to develop hemostatic and antibacterial dressings suitable for prolonged battlefield care during Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations. Moreover, the need for domestically produced dressings due to a compromised supply chain brought on by near-peer conflict has been identified by the Defense Health Agency and the USMC as per President Biden's Proclamation on supply chains. Thus, the objective of this effort is to develop and deploy a family of affordable, US sourced and manufactured cotton based wound treatments, to include hemorrhage control. The Cooperator has been designated as a sub-awardee in the USDA/USMC interagency agreement for fiscal year 2023 to perform tests to assess the efficacy of cotton dressing prototypes designed and prepared by the USDA to control hemorrhage.

1. Use hemodyne hemostasis analyzes and thromboelastography to assess ability of up to 15 different gauze pads to promote coagulation. 2. Optimize rat model of either uncontrolled high-pressure blood (lethal femoral artery injury model) [or the low-pressure but high-volume blood model (rat splenic or level injury models) being an alternate model]. 3. Use the optimized rat model with up to 15 different gauze pads to assess their ability to promote coagulation and ‘stop the bleeding’ (up to n=10 per group). Outcome measures include survival percent, survival time, total amount of blood loss, amount of resuscitation fluid required, MAP etc. 4. Use the Army pig lethal femoral artery injury model to identify up to 5 different samples (includes positive and negative controls, with 2 to 3 dressing types, n=5 per group). Outcome measures include: survival percent, survival time, total amount of blood loss, amount of resuscitation fluid required, evaluate for potential toxicity as per visualization of internal thrombosis, MAP etc.