Location: Plant Genetics Research
Project Number: 5070-21000-044-007-A
Project Type: Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Oct 1, 2022
End Date: Oct 31, 2023
We wish to take advantage of the vast genetic diversity in the soybean USDA-GRIN germplasm collection. We have taken key steps to leverage this diversity, and identified groups with superior traits. Our experiments leveraged prior investment by the USB in obtaining marker data for >19,000 accessions in the USDA germplasm collection. Germplasm releases will serve to broaden the genetic base and deploy drought alleles in improved soybean genotypes.
Our previous research with USDA-GRIN lines and other work, generated Multi-parent Advanced Generation InterCross (MAGIC) populations specific for drought traits. We intend to identify and release soybean germplasm which will serve to broaden the genetic base and deploy drought alleles in improved soybean genotypes. We have four activities that will be used to help us release soybean germplasm which will serve to broaden the genetic base:
1) Multi-location testing for yield/drought tolerance using G1F4:5 derived materials, created by repeated agronomic and
genomic selection experiments.
2) Ongoing agronomic/genomic selection of MAGIC G4F4 populations towards future germplasm releases.
3) Genotype a single MAGIC G4F4:5 population, which combines multiple drought tolerance traits, for use in genetic mapping efforts.
4) Evaluate the potential utility and predictive ability of seed isotopic data in comparison to whole plant isotopic data, as an indirect measurement of water use efficiency and/or drought tolerance potential.
All germplasm used was derived from either public germplasm (USDA-GRIN) or from USDA germplasm which was provided via MTAs to non-ARS partners.